S3 E4 - The Bigger Picture

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Mayor pushed Macaque through a blue, flaming portal. Macaque scrambled to his feet as soon as he could, stumbling a couple of times before he could actually stand up. When he looked up he was met with the sight of the staff encased in ice. His breathing was slow, shaky and hesitant. "You've been Busy." he responds as if he was talking to an old friend. He turned around and faced the lady bone demon.

"Tell me. What madness overcame you that you would forsake your oath? When did you decide to betray me?" his eyes widened.

"Yeah so..."

She interrupts him, her eyes glowing bright and the wind turning into nothing short than a hurricane. "Have you forgotten who I am? WHAT I am? I, who returned you to the mortal plane?" a flash of light and I can see the paintings of Wukong and Macaque fighting. The first where they were locked in battle, the second where Wukong was in the air while Macaque was on the ground surrounded by weapons and bones, the third I'm guessing was Rumble and Savage using the shadow ribbons to try break Macaque free from the icy chains, Macaque yelling out in pain. "All in exchange for such a little favour. That when the time came, you would free me, aid in my pursuit" the blue cloud appeared and now Macaque was looking down at the key "of equilibrium. But, no." the key fell into a black void that transitioned to the desert, Macaque walking towards two mountains, leaving it behind. "With the first breath of a new life, you rebelled against your fate." Macaque's body was shaking, a blue light flickered out of his eyes while he fought back against the invisible chains. "Fool." her voice echoes in Macaques head once again.

"I didn't have the key when I gained consciousness!" He yelled out in anger. The whispers around her stop. Macaque's breathing becomes more controlled, the anger melting back into poorly hidden fear, he inhales through his nose and slowly exhales through my mouth, his eyes twitching a little.

"Did you really believe that spell was enough for me to forget your betrayal? That changed memories would free you from what we arranged?" she asked.

"I'm a coward, not stupid." he hissed out.

She floated towards Macaque's face. His breath hitched. There was no escape for him. "Ah, I see. Curious that you don't remember the faces of those you hold dear, is it not?"

The anger returned in his voice. "I'm autistic, lady." he snapped. "The fact I can't remember faces is nothing new."

She laughed. "Is that what you've deluded yourself into believing? Do you even remember your own appearance?"

Macaque opened his mouth with a reply on the tip of his tongue, but when he needed the words most, he froze.

He glared at the puppeteer with disdain "I offer one more chance at redemption. Bring me the Monkey King and his protege, and perhaps you will be worthy of my mercy." Her magic swirled in her hand and the compass appeared. Macaque nervously takes it.

"A compass?" he mumbled. Trying to keep a straight face.

"Of sorts. No matter where they flee, this will find them." The whispers echo her last two words.

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