S3 Ep1 - On the Run

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Wukong refused to tell the story of how he got the map until Savage was out the way. She wasn't happy with the fact that Wukong seemed to treat her like a thing and not a person, but she didn't have a choice here. She was forced to put MK's headphones on at full volume as Wukong explained how he fought NeZha and stole the map, pouting because she couldn't hear any of it. Not even Tang's reading of his diary. She considered that the most positive thing about her time-out. When Wukong rolled out the map, he wouldn't even let her look at it, using his tail to push her back to the timeout chalk circle as he declared it was storytime. "So, I know back there kinda sucked."

"Mega sucked." Mei corrected, still unhappy with the unfair treatment of the tiny creature.

"Mega sucked." The king agreed with finger guns. "But the ol' great sage had a trick or two up his sleeve." Pigsy scoffed. Still holding a grudge. Wukong was preparing to continue when a large gust of wind interrupted. MK scrambled for the map and the headphones fell onto Savage's face.

The king took the map back and placed something metal on it to hold it down. "Yeah, so, you said you were looking for a weapon?" MK asked while Savage discovered where the pause button was on the headphones.

The sage confirmed. "And? Did you find it?" asked the chef who was losing his patience.

"Nope. but this map is going to help us track it down. It's called... the Samadhi Fi-"

"THE SAMADHI FIRE!" Tang interrupted.

As much as Wukong grew to care for his old master, this new life of his was annoying. "Yeah... that." He proceeded to lift his arms to mimic when a movie does a close up to someone's face. "The most powerful force I've ever seen."

"Powerful enough to destroy the Lady bone demon?" He agreed with his successor. "But what is it?"

Wukong opened his mouth to explain but Tang was making some noises. He also had that annoying shadow sitting on his head. Wukong picked it up again, sighed and gave Tang the go ahead and he examined the little ball of cute terror. "Legends speak of a flame so powerful that nothing could put it out, not even the great sage himself."

The shadow stuck out its red tongue at him. He was familiar with clones having their own personality but why was this one an infant? "That's right." he continued on from what Tang said. "The Samadhi Fire burned out of control. The only way to contain it was by splitting it into pieces-" it was at this moment that Wukong realised the shadow was no longer listening to music, he gestured to MK who took out his phone and pressed play as soon as he realised what his mentor meant. "-and scattering them so their flames could never be reforged."

"So you just tossed around a bunch of fires instead of one?"

Wukong groaned. Wasn't it enough that he couldn't poof this clone or throw it off the ship? "Annnnddd we put the pieces into three rings so they'd cause no further harm!" he moved a hand over his eyes. "Come on, do I gotta spell everything out?" his successor's face seemed to shrink. Wukongs eye twitched for a moment but he sighed and sat the shadow down in the chalk drawn circle again. "Now that the Lady Bone Demon has the staff and your powers, she's too much for us to handle. If we can't stop her, she's going to destroy...well, everything."

"So, find the rings, combine them, and then what?" asked Sandy who appeared out of nowhere to everyone's shock. "You said the Fire of Some-what-si couldn't be controlled."

"Samadhi." Wukong corrected, using his tail, once again, to push the little shadow back in the circle the second it put a foot out of it. It bit his tail and he didn't even realise. Being immortal has its perks.

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