S2 E10 - This is the End

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MK had tried to astral project to Monkey King. But ever since his incident with the Lady bone demon his powers were... dodgy. The most recent incident with spider queen didn't help either. He was determined to get stronger.

Something is coming. Something you won't win against alone. Don't worry. You can never have too many ways of thinking, right?

That something had to be Lady bone demon. MK doesn't necessarily trust Macaque, but his words hold true. MK is not the only one who needs to get stronger. So he trained with Mei in the middle of the desert. Mei had already tossed him in the air and almost shot him with a laser "Monkie Kid! So it's come to this!" she said in her best bad guy voice, even mimicking a villains laugh, only for when her eyes to fall down to where her best friend used to be, he was gone. "Wait... What... where... where did-?"

MK charged at Mei in his tiny form, stumbling a couple of times but then using his staff to propel himself, he chanted at himself "think big" four times then his form shifted to a large version of his foodie clone, and fell on top of the dragon spawn


"You've totally got the hang of this mystic monkey business!" Mei praised while the little black monkey was trying to steal the apple juice from MK who was gently holding her back.

Mk rubbed the back of his head modestly "Aw, thanks, Mei"

Mei takes this opportunity to go on a rant on how awesome her BFF is, hyping him up as much as she could "Monkie Kid! Master of the staff! King of clones! Pro of being big and smol! Hero of the universe! Hero of being smart enough to move the training sessions out here so we stop smooshin' the city up real bad!" Savage stared at Mei like she was crazy while MK just chuckled. Mei zoomed over to her best friends side and nuzzled his cheek. "We've got this, boi! Soon, Monkey King won't even need to come back from vacation."

MK stared at his reflection in his drink, Mei saw he was upset and tried to coax it out of him but he just laughed "Uh, yeah! I guess you're right." and he shrugs it off, only for Savage to climb on him and yanks on his hair "Hey! Ow! Whhhhyyyyyy?"

Savage held up her book and MK pouted while Mei read it. Because yes. Thats why, child. MK was about to respond but Pigsy interrupted with a tray of noodles "Oh-ho! Snack break!" Savage zoomed over to the pig and sat down at his feet, looking at him with pure excitement. Quickly followed by everyone else as they were all handed their bowls.

Suddenly a blue gust of wind erupted from the city "That's probably not good." Said Mei while Savage slunk behind Sandy and MK's noodles ended up blowing into his face. They rushed to the side of the ship and saw a blue, spider-like robot burst out of the ground. MK caught a flash of the Lady Bone Demon. "Spider Queen?"

"No, it's something... worse" MK goes straight for the attack. Punching the robot in the red light, breaking it's head. As it was pushed back, a blue spell circle appeared. "Wha... what?" was all he could say as he fell through it, not long after he was zapped by his own powers and fell into the sand. The mech crashed into the ground and MK groaned from the impact of his fall.

"C'mon" Pigsy was ready to jump off the ship.

"Right!" replied Mei, then the ship shook.

"Tang! What are you doi-?!

"I've got a bad feeling about this, Pigsy!"

The spider bot leaped into the air, MK tried to use any sort of magic but instead of summoning anything, sparks flew. The bot landed on him and his friends yelled in worry. MK mustered up every ounce of magic he had and changed his size to giant. When he finally adjusted his footing, a second blue circle appeared under him and he shrunk down to normal size, every pull of his magic felt like a punch to his chest before he lifted the staff, sweat fell off his head as he felt his energy deplete.

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