S3 E10 - The Samadhi Fire

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"We don't have all day!" Macaque yells at Tang, his grip getting tighter and tighter around Mei's shoulders, it was obvious that she was in pain, unable to fight back.

Tang looked around at his restrained friends, trying to figure out how to fix this, how he can make all this top. He closed his eyes and felt tears swell up in his eyes. Then he felt something, something warm and gentle, a soft jingle and a small bug flying off the map, guiding him to do exactly what needed to be done, not by showing him but by something he couldn't describe. He just knew. Tang breathed in through his nose and exhaled through his mouth, raising his hand then everything started glowing a familiar golden. The first ring turns into a black and red fire, Mei sees the visions that she saw before, her body felt as if it was burning from the inside. "No! Wait! I... I wanna get off this ride!" she cried out. The second Ring lights up and a golden beam of light shoots into the sky, activating Wukong's gold vision. The king quickly explained to the prince that the fire was their only chance and as soon as he was freed, he flew as fast as he could on his cloud, over to the others.

"STOP!" Wukong jumped off his cloud and pushed the fake Macaque off of Mei, his foot knocking the sword away from her as well. He was too late, a ball of fire consumed the dragon. "NO!" he yelled in anger as both him and Macaque were pushed back.

The imposter yelps in pain, the icy chains break off him and the ice that covered half of his body turns into dust. "What have you done! I almost had it!" Macaque yelled at Wukong, or at least, he thinks it's Macaque.

The king growls. "Ah, I'm too late." he looked up and saw MK falling, he quickly got on his cloud and caught the kid, making sure he was alright.

He sat MK down on the ground only for the Boy to go after his friend. "Mei?! What's happening? Don't worry, I'm coming for ya!" He ran around the area. "Someone get some water! Stop drop and roll, Mei!" He ran forward, wanting to grab onto Mei's arm but Wukong grabbed him and pulled his successor away, sitting him down next to the podium.

"Mere water can not extinguish the Samadhi Fire." NeZha explained as he floated down. "Nothing can." Lotus petals that NeZha guides break the ice that Sandy and Pigsy were entrapped in. "The fire will destroy this girl and burn everything in its path."

"What?!" Mei panics.

MK's eyes widened. "Yeah, what?!"

Wukong snarls. "You!" Wukong propelled himself forward, grabbing Macaque by the throat, so blinded by his Rage he didn't see the little shadow monkey that was clinging onto the bigger one. "You ruined EVERYTHING!" Savage let go of Macaque and froze, staring at Wukong with doe eyes.

"LET ME GO!" Macaque frantically yells. "Let me go! Please! I can't-" he blinked for a second, processing what Wukong just blamed on him. "ME?! I didn't- You are the one who ruined the plan!" Wukong raised his fist and Macaque quickly moved his head away, his scarred eye being closer to Wukong.

"STOP! It was me!" Wukong hesitated, Tang's voice snapping him out of his rage and opening the king's perception to his surroundings. "I mean, yeah, Macaque forced me to do it, and I'm definitely starting to have second thoughts on the whole thing, but I don't know how, and I don't know why, I just... felt like I had to. Like it was... Destiny."

"Destiny cannot be undone, Sun Wukong."

The king scowls and drops Macaque to the ground. "I hate to interrupt. But can someone explain what is going on?!" MK looks at his closest friend with concern. "What's happening to Mei!" he asked.

Wukong raised his hands a little defensively. "OK, this is going to sound really bad, but hear me out..."

"Wukong..." NeZha's brows furrowed. "What have you done?"

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