S3 Ep 6 - Cooking with Chang'e

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MK stared at the red chain in his hand, fidgeting with it as he has been doing since he got it. When they reunited with the others by unceremoniously falling onto the windshield, Savage had given Mei a note saying that all he needed to do to get his powers out of it was to scratch off the plastic. He hadn't done it yet because what if Monkey King needed it more? He put the necklace into his pocket to think it over later and then checked the map again to distract himself. "OK, so, whoever made this map needs a lesson in how to draw good."

"One, judgey much? And, two, what d'you mean?" Asked Tang, who was cleaning the first ring that they 'borrowed' from the demon bull king.

"None of these landmarks look like anything!" The successor explained. "Like, OK, debatably this one where we got the first Ring looks like DBK's fortress." MK pointed to the red circle that had a design that looked like a flame on the top that was placed on the right side of the map. "This is a beautifully-rendered mountain range-" His finger slides to the marker on the left of the page. "-looks like some sorta Lanturn City but, tell me, WHAT THE BRICK is this one supposed to be?!"

"Would you guys shush?!" Yelled Pigsy as the intro to his favourite cooking show starts playing.

Savage climbed up Wukongs back and tugged his ear. "Huh?"

{"How is the... Map of the forbidden spice-loops know where they are now?"}

Wukong shrugged "Magic?"

The two young adults audibly sigh at Pigsy's fan-boying. Savage, knowing full well that wukong won't share any more information than that, scurried over to the screen to see exactly what was so interesting. "Tonight, I'll be revealing the secrets to bake the perfect moon cake."

"Huh." Mei leaned on her hand. "Not gonna lie, she's, uh... younger than I thought she'd be."

"Uh, does that thingy look kinda... familiar?" Pigsy shushed MK then resumed, happily, taking notes. It didn't take long for the teen to push his father figure out the way of the screen to get a closer look. He held the map up to the ring that was on the TV then grabbed Tang, who yelled out in surprise at the sudden action, over to the screen to compare the first ring. "Guys, look!" MK exclaimed. "There! It's one of the Rings!"

"The second Ring of Samadhi is in Chang'e's kitchen!?" Asked Pigsy.

"D-D-D'you know what this means!?" Tang's excitement made Savage feel uneasy. "We are going to..."

"The Celestial Realm!" MK yells and his friends groan. Savage passed Mei a note. Chang'e is banned from there. For a stupid reason!


Savage didn't understand the others' excitement when it came to going to space. Yeah the stars were pretty but what difference did it make if you were closer? Pigsy was packing as if he was planning to live there and Mei was asking MK how exactly they were going to get there. "In a Rocket!" Wukong answered from his lawn chair. "Yeah! Just... use your powers, build a rocket outta the van and we'll just fllllyyyy on up there." He used his peach chip as an example, the little menace took the opportunity to jump on him and bite his hand while swallowing the chip. "Hey!"

MK's hand went in his pocket, feeling the necklace he stole. Monkey King didn't know he had it. "Oh, you mean the powers I don't have anymore?" he lied.

Wukong shook Savage off his hand and they both stuck their tongues out at eachother. He turned his attention back to MK and sighed. "Come on, bud! Believe in yourself, the way I believe in you!"

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