S3 E7 - Benched

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TW: someone looses a limb. Blood emojis before and after if you wanna skip.


MK had been drawing for quite some time, it helped to keep his mind distracted. Savage also liked drawing, though she wasn't doing any of it. She just liked the pretty pictures. Everytime he draws her, she steals them, even if they aren't any good, they are hers now. "So~ Whatcha doing, MK?" Mei lifts some papers, only for Wukong to steal them from her.

"Just doodlin'"

Mei growled at Wukong, who was happily sitting on his cloud. "Looking good, bud!" She tries to take the papers away from the king.

Tang sat down across from the three and leaned over to get a closer look at the ones on the floor. "Oh! Did you do any drawings of me, MK?"

"Yeah, they're in Savage's pile." he pointed to the bed that Savage had been sleeping in, there were two piles, one surrounded by paper that had fire drawn on it and the other terribly hidden under her pillow. "I didn't like how any of them turned out, though." he continued to doodle. "It was hard to make you look, ah... cool . You know, you get it."

Tang looked at the pile surrounded by fake fire. They were all drawings of him. "What? Why I..." He felt a little relieved that MK didn't throw them in the bin, the words still hurt though. "But I'm like the coolest guy you know." He did feel a little concerned about the fact that Savage might want to burn him alive, though she is just a child, and MK doesn't mean it in that way, so he shouldn't take it personally... right?

His thoughts were interrupted by Sandy. "Hey, guys! Land ho!"

They all look out of the window, at the city of lanterns with amazement. "Huh." Wukong leaned against the passenger seat. "Hasn't changed a bit."


"OK, maybe it's changed a little." Wukong had forgotten how much he hated cramped spaces. He had changed into an orange hoodie with teal sleeves and sunglasses to fit in. Savage on the other hand, had never been on a train before, she had a deathgrip on Sandy's leg, hiding her little face and using the red scarf as a hood for herself to hide from the world and sounds.

Outside the train was beautiful, there seemed to be some sort of festival going on and everyone seemed excited to try everything out, it was almost reminiscent of new years; some people on the roofs, lots of people in the streets and all the shops were open and if they weren't, they were stalls.

"Hmm. So, if this map is correct, the last ring of Samadhi should be around..." Tang points to the middle of the big lanturn on the scroll. "Here somewhere!" He lowered the map and looked at the giant lantern that was outside the window. "I mean, that looks as good a place as any to look for..." The train came to a stop and everyone got out. "HEY!"

A lot of the children they passed in the street had monkey dolls, Wukong could tell they weren't him, with the way they made the dolls it was as if the monkey had its hair in a ponytail that made rabbit ears. He couldn't care less if that was supposed to be him, he gets enough money from his merch anyway. "All right. I remember throwing the ring round here somewhere..."

Wukong looked under some of the items for sale. "I thought you HID it." Mei raised an eyebrow, trusting the king less and less as she spent more time with him.

"Yeah, by throwing it into the crust of the earth where no one could find it." he dismissed. "Keep up, dragon-pony-girl."

Savage let go of Sandy's leg, ran over to wukong, climbed up his back and slapped him on the back of the head. The idiot didn't feel it. {"You know her name, half a monkey man! Say it ya desre-!"}

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