Chapter 9

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Pete had not been able to sleep because of his emotions that day. 

The fact that he had Way so close to himself made him agitated. What a rare beauty and what peace was visible on his angelic face. 

As if he were looking at a masterpiece of human art.

 He had refrained from touching his cold cheeks.

"Oh, I'm spellbound by you. You've won me over." admitted Pete with a sigh.

His attention had been interrupted by some noises that could be heard from the kitchen. Alarmed that could be a thief, Pete got out of bed slowly, so as not to wake Way, who was sleeping in a deep sleep.

Gentle, Pete made his way to the room in question, ready to attack.

However, the scenario had been turned upside down by a small being, which was trying to reach the top cabinet, being lifted up on a chair. Ink had woken up, and she was already full of energy.

 Pete had moved quickly to keep Ink from falling off the chair. He did not want a second visit to the hospital.

"Oh, Mr. Savior, did I wake you up?

 I'm sorry, I tried to be as quiet as possible.

Did Daddy wake up too?", Ink had asked, feeling guilty.

"It's okay, your father is still sleeping.

 What are you doing alone on top of that chair at this hour? 

What if you fell? 

Have you thought about worried father?"

Ink, hearing this, buried his eyes even deeper in the ground in shame:

"I'm hungry. 

I wanted to get on the chair to get to the cupboard and open it."

Seeing her sad, Pete felt sorry for the little creature:

"Alright, alright! Don't be sad!

 I'll open the cupboard for you. Look!"

Opening the cupboard, Pete noticed that all the snacks and sweets were stored there. 

Smiling, Pete said to himself:

 "She's a kid, it's normal to want to eat junk food."

Ink smiled impatiently, enchanting Pete with her cuteness.

Looking at her, he frowned:

"I don't think it's good to eat something like that on an empty stomach.

I know it tastes good, but too much sugar and carbohydrates are not good for a growing girl."

Flustered, Ink replied:

"You talk exactly like dad...

He doesn't let me eat snacks on an empty stomach either.

But I'm really very hungry..."

Pete closed the cupboard, then proposed to the little princess:

"How about we cook breakfast, which according to the time on the clock would actually be lunch."

Smiling, Ink enthusiastically accepted.

Walking through a chef's vast kitchen, Pete was like a happy kid in a grocery store. Unfortunately, the only thing he knew how to make was French fries and eggs. 

Ink had agreed, because her father didn't make fries that often, because it wasn't healthy. Pete felt bad, but unfortunately his stomach had started to growl with hunger.

This little activity with Ink had made Pete feel like a father, ready to cry. It was such a beautiful, indescribable feeling.

Before meeting Way and Ink, Pete had never thought of a proper family. But now he felt like he had struck gold.

Sensing the smell of food, Way suddenly opened his eyes, hunger making him stand up quickly. Confused, and wrapped in a blanket, he had taken steps towards the kitchen.

There with wonder he noticed Pete and Ink trying to fry some eggs. They looked alarmed, because they had set the fire too high, and they didn't know what to do with the oil, because now it was jumping everywhere.

Amused, Way quickly intervened to help:

"Give it to me, I'll help you."

Feeling cornered, the duo retreated, ready to hear Way's rebuke.

Still asleep, Way said:

"I'm going to skip it this time, because I'm too hungry and I don't have the energy."

Sitting down at the table, Pete and Ink looked at each other suspiciously. Noticing this, Way asked them:

"What is it? What else have you done?"

Shaking his head in a big NO, Pete continued:

"Nothing, nothing! I'm just ashamed of the food I made. You're the perfect cook and..."

Chuckling, Way replied:

"I am a simple man who likes to cook.

I'm not incredible."

"Dad, it's not true!

You are the best!

You should participate in TV contests!", Ink exclaims full of hope.

"No, no! I don't need such attention!

Come on, eat, the food is getting cold!"

Smiling affectionately, Pete whispered loud enough to be heard:

"You talk like a mother."

Ink had started giggling, while Way gave Pete a disturbed look.

After they had eaten, Ink went to her room, Pete and Way staying behind to wash the dishes and clean the table.

Pete had offered to do all the work himself, because Way needed rest, and Way wouldn't let him because of how stubborn he was.

While washing the dishes, Way addressed Pete:

"Thank you for taking care of Ink while I was asleep.

I really appreciate it, Pete."

Smiling like a lovelorn fool, Pete mustered up a little courage, and leaning towards Way, whispered seductively in his ear:

"It's my pleasure, my darling."

Way felt a shiver run down his spine. Pete's attack had jolted him to reality, making his body hot with shame. Pete smiled proudly.

The tension between them had made the atmosphere hard to digest. Neither of them knew what to do next.

When he wanted to say something, Pete's phone rang wildly, followed by Way's phone.

Both had sighed at the sight of the caller.

"Who's giving you such a hard look?", Pete asked curiously.

"You call me? What about you?", Way answered with a question to the question.

"You first!"

"No, you first"!

Pete gave up and answered first:

"He's my annoying dad..."

"Unbelievable!" exclaimed Way sarcastically.

"But who is it with you?"

"My ex-wife.

She's been bothering me for days.

Trust me, you wouldn't want to meet her.

She's a shrew!"

Pete thought, letting himself be guided by jealousy that he definitely wanted to meet Way's ex-wife. It would have started a war of honor.

Who would have known that in the future, this would happen.

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