Chapter 11

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Pete's disturbing eyes could kill anyone, even though his voice was calm. His animalistic aura had changed the atmosphere into one of pride. It was a battle between him, the present, and Sara, Way's past.

Way, seeing him so angry, tried to calm him down, telling him that it's okay:

"Pete, you can calm down now.

I'm fine, Ink is fine."

Way's gentle touch calmed his entire being in a second. However, his criminal look could still be seen, and Sara adored all this irritation of her ex-husband's alleged partner.

"Pete, huh?

I don't know how Way managed to approach you, but I applaud him.

And a man?

Maybe that's why our relationship didn't work out.

I didn't know that my little girl's father is gay!

What a shame!

Now I'm really going to take Ink away from you.

She doesn't deserve to live in this barn, where her father prostitutes himself for who knows what rich man, a..."

But Sara's ugly words were interrupted by a heavy slap over her dusty face with the most "expensive" make-up:




IF I CATCH YOU HERE AGAIN, I WILL CALL FOR A RESTRAINING ORDER!", Way yelled, with indescribable hatred. Seeing Way in this state, Pete got even more angry. He knew that Way's condition was not a good one, and he didn't want his love to suffer even more, because of such a diabolical woman.


I AM HER MOTHER!", Sara screamed hysterically.

"Now are you her mother?

What have you done so far?

You flaunted your body in front of a moneylender, bragging?

This is not the behavior of a mother, nor of a lady, if that's what you think you are!

You show how easy you are."

These words ignited the crazy woman's eyes, ready to explode with disgust. Pete, placing himself again in front of Way as a protective wall, in case of anything, he looked at her impatiently, begging her as politely as possible:

"Dear lady, it's the best time to go."

"It doesn't end here, Way!

I will burn your restaurant to the ground!

I swear to God!", after the threat Sara had disappeared, leaving behind only disgusted looks.

Way had started to see green stars in front of his eyes, a sign that he was about to pass out.

With what little strength he had left, Way took Pete in his arms, whispering:

"Hold me tight, please.

I need you, otherwise I will fall..."

The little prayer softened Pete's heart, tearing him apart with emotion. Agitated, Pete asked Ink, who was also worried:

"Ink, where can I take your father to recover?

Is there any place without people around here?

He needs air and to lie down."

"Come quickly, in the pantry behind the kitchen.

This is where dad relaxes, when he wants peace."

Taking Way in his arms like a bride, Pete hurried to the place in question, without giving the people any more gossip, they had had enough.

He had placed Way slowly on the sofa, Ink offering her father a cup of water to increase his tension.

"Ink, can you get a fan or something light, with which I can give your father some wind?", Ink nodded affirmatively, going back inside the restaurant.

Way's face was very white and his lips were blue. Frightened, Pete had started to fan him with his own palm, asking Way to drink more water to recover.

"Something sweet, you need something sweet.

Oh, wait!", Pete always kept chocolates in his jacket pockets, which he ate when he was stressed. They were perfect in the situation he was in.

"Way, please, eat some chocolate.

You'll feel better later," Pete had gently pleaded with Way.

Way had started eating the candies, smiling with happiness. Seeing that Way's condition had improved, Pete breathed a sigh of relief.

"Pete, come closer, I want to tell you something," declared Way with small, exhausted eyes.

Pete listened to him, getting closer to the beauty, ready to be out of breath from how ashamed he was. Way had bent his head and in the next second he gave Pete a small kiss on the cheek. Shocked with happiness, Pete started to smile uncontrollably.

"Thank you for defending me there.

You gave me courage, Pete!

You don't even know how long I had been holding that frustration in me!

I really thank you very much."

"Way, I already told you what kind of feelings I have for you.

I'm in love.

It's also normal to feel like protecting the person you like.

The way I feel about you.", Pete bent down and kissed Way's forehead, as a sign of eternal confession.

The two had started to smile, it was a mix between happiness, relief and shyness.

Ink returned with a fan, which he had probably borrowed from a customer.

Pete used it to make Way feel even better.

After some time, Ink fell asleep in Pete's arms, while her father recovered, being able to stand on his feet. Looking at the image of his little girl sleeping peacefully, carefree in Pete's arms, after such a disturbing day, in which her mother had hurt her; It had made Way cry tears of happiness.

Maybe Pete was going to become his present and future.

He had a pleasant feeling, of satisfaction, when he thought of a potential family.

"Way, are you better?" Pete whispered, still worried.

"I would be better if you will sit next to me on the sofa," declared Way somewhat shyly.

Pete had moved slowly, made himself comfortable on the couch. But, his condition had been disturbed by the action of the loved one. Way had immersed his frail body in the great splendor of Pete's existence.

"That's much better."

Way's boldness amazed Pete, but he wasn't complaining.

Having both of them in his arms, Pete felt fulfilled, and that's how he wanted to be until his old age.

In his mind, he swore to himself:

"Way, I'm going to save you."

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