Episode 1: Origins Part 1: The Beginning Of Chronicle Bug and Chatar

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Season 1 intro:

Scene 1: (Steve sits up against the wall thinking about what he dreamed of and what it could mean, Then his mom yells for him to get dressed and come eat breakfast...)

Mrs. Conwell: Steve you better get ready so your not late for school!

Steve: Coming Mom just give me a second!


Mrs. Conwell: Steve Hurry Up!, You've only got thirty minutes and I just started making pancakes!

Steve: Oooh... Pancakes, coming mom!

-Steve runs down the stairs as he trips over his feet and tumbles down the stairs crashing into the wall-

Mrs. Conwell: Be careful hunny, you don't wanna break anything!, make sure you have a great first day at your new school!

Steve: I will mom!

-...Steve slams the door and the scene switches to Axwell shoving food into his mouth and running out the door...-

Axwell: Love you mom!, Bye!

Marinette: Love You Too Honey!

-suddenly the scene switched quickly and it shows both Steve and Axwell crashing into each other-

Scene 2: (We switch scenes to the streets of Paris where Max and Steve are walking to school from their house...)

Steve: Sorry I wasn't paying attention to where I was going...

-Steve looks up at the handsome hot guy in front of him-

Axwell: No No, it was my fault I was heading to French Dupont High-School and I lost my way...

Steve: Wait a minute let me get this straight, you go to the same high school as me and your hot?!....

-Steve then covers his mouth blushing red as he realizes what he just said-

Steve: I am so sorry, I did not mean to-

-Axwell interrupts him by starting to laugh and almost cry-

-Max walks behind them and puts him arm around Steve-

Max: Well someone has a crush...

Steve: Maxxx...

-Axwell keeps laughing-

Axwell: My name is Axwell, and you are?

Max: Max Conwell, This is My Brother Steve and unfortunately I'm his overprotective best friend...

-Steve mutters under his breath: more like stupid brother...

Max: What was that Steve?...

Steve: Um nothing... just thinking that we should probably get going to school before we're late...

Axwell: oops almost forgot about that, I'll see you later Steve who has a crush on me...

-Axwell smirks and then walks away-

-Steve pushes Max off him and starts shouting at him-

Max: Ow! What was that for!..

Steve: That was rude!, embarrassing me in front of Axwell Agreste literally the son of the son of Marinette and Adrien Agreste!

Max: Wait, that was-

Steve: uh huh.., The Axwell Agreste your favorite model since a tiny child...

Max: ugh why didn't I notice sooner!...

-Steve laughs-

Steve: Come On Before we're late for our school trip to the museum!...

-The Scene switches to The Louve-

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