Episode 13: The Battle Of Paris Part 1: The Truths Of Marinette and Adrien

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(Am I proud of writing this episode? Idk it was okay  I just feel like it could of have been better and I could definitely improve the storyline a little bit)

Season 1 Intro:

Scene 1: (We begin scenes in Skylar's lair, as the butterfly window opens and a white light bursts through in an array of colors and aura's and we see Skylar and Felix tied to their chairs as Adrien and Kiley stand in front of them with torture weapons and more...)

Adrien: Finally... it's time I get revenge on you two for betraying me and going behind my back to take me down...

Kiley: As usual, master Adrien, you should of have never entrusted them with your powers, they're not capable enough to handle things like I am, and they don't even know to how to keep a secret...

Now that I've manipulated Emma and Liam into thinking Marinette is the villain, Lila has come out of hiding to take her place and complete our plans of erasing Axwell's memories and getting him back on our side and back into the fight for Paris...

Adrien: Now, Now calm down dear... You're getting ahead of yourself we'll soon see how well Lila does with our plans in trying to replace Marinette and get my son to believe her, but while she's doing that, we should teach these two a lesson by forcing them to get akumatized and using them for our next plans...

Kiley: ... What a wonderful idea!

-She laughs nervously as she unties Felix and Skylar and Adrien pushes their hands together as a scared and furious look appears on their faces...-

Felix: You can't do this Adrien, you have no idea how much work we've been doing to save you and this world!, you can't just ruin it all and get rid of us!

Adrien: I can do whatever I want dear Felix, and now with Marinette dead and trapped, we'll wait to see how long it takes for you both to bleed out and beg for mercy...

Skylar: It's okay Felix, father knows what he's doing and as long as we're alive he has no reason to get rid of us just yet...

Kiley:  It seems you're obviously the smart one, so we'll be sure to get use out of you soon...

Adrien: Now, Now, Kiley, don't tease them with mercy and innocence you'll break their little hearts when they realize we never needed them for all of this, I have been planning to take over Paris for a very long time, and now with you in my hands, we'll be able to cause terror and chaos wherever we go...

Felix: Marinette won't let you do this Adrien!, She'll find a way to stop you and once your weak enough to kill she won't hesitate to take you out!...

Adrien: You say that as if you know her, our past is more troubling than you think, and she's nice to take care of things herself. She made her own son into a superhero to stop me, and he doesn't even know that I'm trying to rule over Paris, If I were her I would be smart about who I trust and not even Steve Conwell or her have the guts to stop me and take the butterfly miraculous from my bloody corpse...

-He slaps Felix across the face, and pulls a knife out of his pocket, keeping his hands steady and cutting both Felix and Skylar's hands together as blood drips down on the floor and he puts the butterfly and peacock miraculous back on, instantly transforming...-

Monarch2.0/Adrien: Now, hold still, I promise this won't hurt as badly as I want it too...

-A storm cloud appears in the sky and the entire room filled with butterflies, lightning, and darkness swirls around him in a quickened pace, transforming him into god and giving him the powers to akumatize two people as one and fuse their souls, blood, and flesh together forever...-

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