Episode 4: The Electrfying Battle Of Mr. Router

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Season 1 intro:

Scene 1: (The episode begins at College Francoise Dupont, where Mr. Jackson instructs the students while Max cuts out a picture of Chronicle Bug and tries using the cut out to put it over students faces...)

Mr. Jackson: I'm very pleased with how well all of you have been doing in my class most of have straight a's and some b's and c's but I know you have done perfectly well of proving me that your capable of handling more and turning assignments in on time. But now it's time for your next project...

-Max looks up frightened-

Mr. Jackson: Please welcome your new English and science teacher Mr. Robert Kaden....

-The classroom is filled with hands clapping and some students whispering in excitement...-

Max: Liam can you believe this?!, it's Robert Kaden!!!!

-Liam looks at Max confused...-

Liam: and who is that again?...

Max: Ughhhhh, you really need to pay more attention to school, this man is the first scientist to discover how the Egyptians built the pyramid, HE'S LITTERALLY  FAMOUS!!!

Liam: Wow dude that is amazing, it's not like I care about any of that stuff...

-Liam rolls his eyes, while Max pouts and Robert introduces himself...-

Robert: Hi kids, my name is Dr. Robert Kaden, and as some of you might know I'm the most famous and richest man in the world, now today we will be learning about superheroes...

-the class gasps in shock...-

Robert: Particularly, the ones who save Paris all on their own and don't even sweat!...

-Max spits his water out in an offended terms...-

Max: Really?, of course they sweat! Everybody does, it's not like their ancient god who have come to claim earth for their empire...

Robert: and how would you know that?....

Max: Because if they did come here to wipe us out, they wouldn't be risking their butts to save us in the first place!...

Robert: Well as I always say, nothing is real without proven....

-Mr. Jackson interrupts...-

Mr. Jackson: Well, enough of that already, Mr. Robert will only be here for a few hours so after class if you have any questions, please ask respectfully and be nice!.

-The bell rings and the students get out of their chair excitingly ready to go to their next class as Max starts grabbing his books and drops one...-

Robert: Here.... Let me help you with that...

Max: Thanks.. and sorry if I was rude for arguing about that superhero stuff, I just don't want people to believe that they're the bad guys...

Robert: It's okay, sometimes I even go too far with my own theories and I kind of think it's cool that a kid like you is so interested in superheroes, most teenagers would be trying to figure out how to make friends...

-They both laugh...-

Max: Yeah that's true, thanks for coming to our school by the way, I think your gonna like it here, we could use a smart man like you...

Robert: That's nice but I think I'd rather stay in the comfort of my home and keep making money, that's the real job...

-Someone calls Max's name from far away-

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