Episode 5: Fixation Master and Miraculous Frustration

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(Editor's Note: This episode was based off the chat blanc episode from season 2-3 i don't remember lol)

Season 1 intro:

Scene 1: (We start scenes in the Skylar Agreste Mansion Basement, where Skylar is visiting her sister who is still unconscious and completely dead...)

Skylar: Dear Sister, I miss you every moment I have and I promise you I will use my wish to bring you back and get revenge on Felix, I promise...

-Felix walks in smiling creepily and clapping his hands slowly...-

Felix: Try not to make promises you can't keep...

Skylar: Hello Felix, what are you doing here?...

Felix: Oh, I'm just visiting a little someone, after all I did kill your sister in cold blood, I should be the one making promises to her dead body...

Skylar: Ugh you sound just like your father and Gabriel, always making threats and never doing anything...

Felix: Well, that's because you were stupid enough into akumatizing someone's brother, and now we don't have our precious miraculouses...

Skylar: Not my fault your plan failed, and I told you it was because of that stupid superhero Chronicle Bug and his romantic partner, always getting in my way and ruining everything...

Felix: Aww too bad so sad, cheer up buttercup we'll get that wish soon and when we do, nether of us will haft to see each other again...

Skylar: We better, now is our new plan ready?, or were you to busy plotting revenge on me?...

Felix: Unlike you, I've created a senti-monster that will interfere with those superheroes lives and make sure they crash down and fall...

Skylar: Hmmm... Sounds boring, when do I get to release my "akuma" and destroy this place once and for all?...

Felix: Don't worry you'll get your supervillain and once you do I'll make sure nether of us mess up...

-The camera pans out of the room, and we switch scenes...-

Scene 2: (We switch scenes to Axwell's bedroom where he wakes up and Marinette knocks on his door, as Plagg floats beside him...)

Marinette: Honey, are you up?...

Axwell: Yeah mom, come in!...

-She walks in holding a breakfast tray with pancakes, bacon, and orange juice...-

Axwell: Wow mom this looks amazing...

Plagg: Yeah, Yeah, blah, blah blah, now where's my cheese?...

-They both laugh at him...-

Axwell: Relax Plagg you'll get your cheese, just let me eat my breakfast...

Plagg: Whatever...

-We switch scenes again and again...-

(Scene 3: We switch scenes to the school bell ringing as everyone walks into history class and Mr. Jefferson welcomes them...-)

Mr. Jefferson: Welcome Class, today we'll be watching the news recording from yesterday's villain attack where Chronicle Bug failed to show up and Steve saved the day...

-The entire class groans—

Liam: Dude, isn't this like yesterday's news?..

Emma: Yeah and what's the deal with Steve saving the day anyways?

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