Episode 11: The Reign Of Monarch Butterfly 2.0 Finale Part 2

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Season 1 Intro:

Scene 1: (We begin scenes at the Agreste Mansion where Felix is talking to Marinette hoping she'll listen to him and help him defeat Adrien...)

-Felix knocks on the wall in Marinette's very dimly lit bedroom and enters cautiously...-

-Marinette sighs and groans at the same time...-

Marinette: What do you want from me Felix?...

Felix: Hello Marinette... I know you don't trust me ever since Chronicle Bug's little debacle with me in a future timeline, But I'd never threaten Paris, you haft to believe me!

Marinette: I'm sorry Felix I just can't... and you know why...

Felix: I do, which is exactly why I'm handing over this stolen miraculous I took from Chronicle Bug, I no longer need it for my plans, and won't be on the side of evil anymore!...

-Felix hands over the Alien miraculous to Marinette...-

Marinette: Thank you, Felix. I'll make sure this miraculous is kept safe, and I appreciate you changing your motives, maybe one day we can be friends...

-Adrien, who had secretly stolen another miraculous, observes from a distance...-

Adrien (whispering to himself): Thank you poor Felix, because of your good deed I will finally be able to take down Chronicle Bug and Chatar and learn the identities of their superhero team, all while riding them of their guardian nd destroying Paris!

-Adrien smirks and evilly laughs, as he holds the alien miraculous in his hands and disappears...-

-We switch scenes...-

Scene 2: (We switch scenes back to school as Axwell exits the doors and sees Steve with his umbrella he gave him as it starts raining and he smiles and blushes...-

Axwell: Wow I still can't believe you kept that all this time...

-Steve turns around with a surprising look on his face and laughs to himself...-

Steve: Yeah you bet I did, I definitely needed an umbrella with the number of times it rains in Paris, can you believe that?

-Axwell laughs...-

Axwell: Of course, I can I've lived here my entire life, and I'm always fascinated with how much it rains, and how it feels...

Steve: Absolutely I agree, I was actually thinking of making a new outfit for how much it rains so for those who don't have umbrellas like me, don't have to suffer getting wet all the time...

Axwell: Wow, I think that's a great idea, especially for the heroes of Paris and the citizens!

Steve: The heroes, what do you mean by that?...

Axwell: Oh well, I thought since you such a great designer, you might be able to create special outfits for the heroes, because they still don't have upgraded suits for the rain, and it's very dangerous to go superheroing like that...

Steve: Wow, I was only thinking about my friends and family, I never thought about designing outfits for heroes and other people, I've never done that before...

Axwell: Well, I'm sure you would be great for it, and I think Chronicle Bug and Chatar would always help you out if you needed it, they're always here for us...

Steve: Well, I appreciate the idea, but I don't think you're in a position to tell me how to design...

Axwell: Yeah, you're right I'm sorry I wasn't trying to-

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