Episode 12: Retirments Part 1 and 2: The Painting Promise Of Steve Conwell

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(WARNING: THERE ARE LIKE 17 DIFFERENT PLOTS TWISTS IN THIS EPISODE AND IT MIGHT GET OVERWHELMING...) (I have no idea what's going on this script at this point this entire episode was a mess to write and my brain was going three million different ways at once)

Season 1 intro:

Scene 1: (We begin scenes in a flashback, where Skylar's mother, Felix's father, sister, and Felix are all in a car in their younger versions as kids...)

Skylar: Mom!, Felix keeps hitting me!

Colt: Felix, please stop hitting your sister, you know we don't except this kind of behavior in this family...

Skylar's Mother: Felix my dear, please listen to your father and stop hitting people, that's now how a kid should act and behave...

-Felix whispers under his breath...-

Younger Felix: and what would you know about behavior?...

Colt: What was that?...

Younger Felix: Nothing, I'll stop now...

Colt: That's better, now we can go get ice cream...

Skylar and her sister: Yay, Ice cream!

-They said as they laughed and giggled, and a bright light drives in front of them blinding Skylar's mother...-

Colt: Honey watch out!...

Skylar's mother: Ah!.

-Skylar's mother swerves the car right of the bridge and into the water, as Felix blacks out and wakes up screaming from his dream...-

Felix: Mom NO!-

-He huffs and puffs as sweat drips down his forehead and his wipes it is running out of breath...-

Felix: Ugh, stupid dreams, always trying to torture me because of the past...

-Skylar walks in smiling ridiculously...-

Skylar: You know you're talking to yourself right?, brother?...

Felix: I know, dear sister and don't ever call me that again, you don't deserve to be my sibling...

-Skylar frowns and walks towards him sitting next to him...-

Skylar: Look I've apologized a thousand times for what i did to you, I never meant to hurt you, I was just doing what was in my best interests...

Felix: That's what you say all the time, but I need you now more than ever Skylar, you're not the only one who misses our parents and wants to bring them back with the miraculouses and live happily ever after...

-Kiley walks in taking advantage of everything she's seen and heard...-

Kiley: You know he'll never let you guys do that right?...

Felix: Kiley, I didn't know you were in here!, how much of that did you hear exactly?...

Kiley: Everything really, and relax I won't tell I'm not even on your guyses side of this fight...

Skylar: And what do you mean by that?, Traitor!

-She instantly transforms and her hair sets on fire...-

Kiley: Relax fire girl, what i mean is that I was sent here by Chronicle Bug and Chatar's orders to be a spy for them, but now that I know what you're working for, I'll gladly switch sides and help you defeat Adrien...

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