Episode 15: The Reveal Part 1 and 2: The Gang Of Tricksters and Secrets

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Season 1 intro:

Scene 1: (We begin scenes in Marinette's room, as Steve and Axwell sit in silence while she tries to rebuild her memory erasing device and they come up with a new plan to stop her...)

-Steve tries to speak again...-

Steve: Marinette if you could just let us give you a reason-

-Marinette cuts him off and looks up at him with an annoyed face while doing so...-

Marinette: No, I've already said this multiple times Steve, you and Axwell are not going to keep your memories of each other's identities, it's just too dangerous for yu guys to get to know each other, and after what happened last time...

I'm never going to let Adrien win of for any of that to happen again...

-Axwell refrains from saying something reckless as he does want her to get akmuatized and instead tries to reason with her...-

Axwell: But mom, you won't even tell us what happened the last time we revealed our identities to each other, all we know is that the world was recreated because someone decided to sacrifice themselves and make a wish, but if that's all we know, how are we supposed to avoid being together or even knowing each other?...

-Marinette sighs and she looks up at him with a stern and concerned face...-

Marinette: Look, I've already decided you guys fate, every single time something bad happens, you always seem to reveal your identities to each other and mess things up by letting the bad guys win or sacrificing yourselves, and every single time I haft to be the one there watching all of it happen over and over again, I just can't keep going through that again and again...

So, until you guys can learn to refrain from confessing your love to each other and getting all sad and depressing every single time something bad happens...

Then I don't wanna hear anything from nether of you...

-Max thrashes open the door crashing onto the floor and gashing the device out of Marinette's hands and breaking it...-

Max: Guys!, I have to plan to defeat Adrien and prove that Felix is the one behind the attacks and not him!

Steve: Perfect timing Max, we were just about to get our memories erased and become alien zombies!...

-Max looks at with a confused and weirdly surprised face...-

Axwell: He's joking don't worry, although we were about to get our memories erased about everything... but what do you mean you have a way to prove that Felix is behind the attacks and who's Adrien?...

-Everyone pauses for a moment in silence...-

Axwell: Guys, I'm joking I know who Adrien is, but do you guys really think he's the good guy and he's just being manipulated?...

Steve: I mean it very well could be possible, but Adrien has been trying to use the butterfly and peacock miraculous to rise to power for years, and after revealing your identity to me, I had no idea what he was capable of until then and now...

Marinette: Adrien is someone who is not easily manipulated and there's no way Felix is the one behind the attacks, especially when he's the one who's been helping me find Adrien and Skylar's weaknesses this entire time...

Max: Well, that could be true but until we know for sure I still have a plan in mind to see if were wrong or not...

We could lure out Adrien with a conversation with Axwell and see what Felix does to help us, then we'll know for sure who's the real one behind Adrien's masterful plan...

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