Episode 14: The Battle Of Paris Part 2: The Retribution Of Steve Conwell

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[Trigger Warning: Highlights and depictions of emotional and physical manipulation, violence, blood gore, suicide, weapon handling, death, and more, parental guidance is as advised, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED...] [Also, this script includes more mature language from our characters! So, yay!]

[Trigger Warning and any other stuff that might displease the audience and cause trauma: Highlights, themes, and mentions of suicide, manipulation, death and more, and also includes the following other warnings of those that follow; flashlight lights, epilepsy warning, motion sickness, mild headaches, confusion, comas, bleeding from the nose and swelling of the head. Also involves weapon manufacturing, death, and more, viewer discretion is advised, and parental guidance is as shown and needed, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED...]

Season 1 Intro:

Scene 1: (We begin scenes as soon as Steve wakes up as he finds himself laying up against his mortal enemy/crush Axwell Agreste and can feel the slightest pressure of wind and blood slowly caressing his pale and frightened face...)

Steve: Axwell?... What are we... what is happening?! Where are we?! Axwell wake up!

-Before he can get any answers out from his sleeping partner a giant explosion happens which launches rubble on top of them, as Axwell wakes up coughing from the smoke, blood trailing down his face and a bandage wrapped around his waste from where he was attacked last time...-

Axwell: Huh?!, Where am I?!, why am I bleeding?!

Steve?! What are you doing here?! How did we get here?!...

Steve: I have no idea... the last thing I remember is Max, my brother breaking us out of some sort of prison like building and then I wake up here... next to you...

-He frowns in disbelief, defeat, disgust, and disappointment...-

Axwell: Well, I'm not happy to hear with you ether!

smart ass!

-He nudges him disrespectfully and wipes off the invisible dust from his clothes trying to pay himself down and look for his ring...-

Axwell: It should have been here...

Where is it?!

Steve: It's on your finger dumb ass...

Axwell: How did you?-He sighs in relief when he realizes his partner is right and wonders how he knew...-

Steve: We both know that the only reason we were in that prison cell together is because I'm Chronicle Bug and your Chatar so let's just get this whole love confession ordeal out of the way and save Paris already?...

-He says nonchalantly resulting in a dispassionate and displeasing look from Axwell's face as he turns bright red and blushes from hearing the words "love confession" he knows what happened last time they were in a situation like this one before and this time he knew how to not mess it up by saying absolutely nothing or so he thought...-

Axwell: You're right let's just get this over with, so we never haft to see each other again! -

-He inadvertently blurts out not realizing the damage it might do...-

Steve: Whatever I expected that much from you anyways...

Tikki, Spots On!

-He immediately transforms and tries dialing Marinette's number but all cell towers near them have been knocked down by the explosion from earlier...-

Miraculous Ladybug AU Universe: The Tales Of Chronicle Bug and Chatar/Season 1: Where stories live. Discover now