Episode 16: The Reveal Part 3 and 4: The City Of Love, Misery & Danger

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Season 1 Intro:

Scene 1: (We begin scenes in the morning where Steve's alarm goes off and he gets his school bag ready and puts him clothes on...)

Tikki: Aren't you excited for school Steve?!, you'll finally be able to meet the new class rep!

Steve: Yeah I'm not so sure about this Tikki, the last time someone new was introduced my best friend and brother got Akumatized and it turned out that person was a senti-monster sent by Adrien and Skylar...

Tikki: Wow... Party pooper much?

You know not everyone and everything is as evil as it seems, no matter how times people got hurt or how many times she was betrayed, Marinette pulled through and still believed the best in people and you should too...

Steve: It's not that I don't believe the best in people Tikki... It's just that the last time I trusted someone with my life, my heart got broken and people got hurt and I can't have that happening again...

-Max starts walking up the stairs and starts eavesdropping...-

Tikki: Well, that's enough being sappy for today, you've got school to go to!

Steve: Right, Tikki, Spots On!

-Instantly transforms...-

-Max gasps and falls back forward down the steps as tears start streaming down his face and he panics...-

Ms. Conwell: Time for school Max, much sure Steve doesn't forget his homework!

Max: Okay, I won't...

-He says realizing what Steve has done to him and how much he's been through, he takes a deep breath and closes his eyes and goes somewhere else entirely...-

-We transition to a room of darkness where Max has transported and where a mysterious person steps out of the shadow and reveals themselves...-

Mysterious Voice: Hello, Max it's nice to finally meet you...

-Max almost jumps in fear and steps back away from the mysterious shadow in confusion and scaredness...-

Max: Who are you? Where am I?...

Mysterious Voice: I am you... Well not entirely but the better version of you, the powerful one, the smart one, the better brother...

And we are something else entirely and together we can do anything...

Max: What... Why am I here? What do you want from me? I could never be like you, what are you?...

Future Max: I am made of shadows, magic, the universe entirely and you can have these powers too, your here because you need to realize your full potential... because your powers... our powers are far beyond anything you've ever seen and you'll do anything you can to get revenge on your brother...

Isn't that right?...

Max: I... I don't want this... Someone get me out of here! This isn't what I want, I'm angry but I don't wanna get revenge I can never have this power I won't, and I won't let you use me like this!

-He tries breaking out but he can't the and the mysterious form and materializes...-

-the form laughs...-

Future Max: You can't break out... Because the more you do, the more real I become and when I do, I'll be able to get out there and do what you can't... So scream all you want nothing is going to work...

-Max then realizes something and knows what he has to do...-

Max: You may be strong... But there's someone who's stronger than you...

-He starts tearing up, and a butterfly and peacock enters the room and goes inside his miraculous...-

Future Max: What... That's impossible... You can't, you'll lose yourself forever!

Max: If that means protecting my brother from you, then I'll do whatever it takes, and I'm in good hands with this one...

-Max returns to the real world as tears continue to stream down his face and accepts his fate...-

Ms. Shadow Moth: Hello, Max Conwell...

You have been the biggest adversary, the butterfly miraculous has faced, and we have waited for when the time has come to align ourselves with you and make you work with us, make you become our biggest ally...

So, I'm giving you the powers to stop your terrible future from becoming a reality, and so in return you shall get me your brothers and that rich kid's miraculouses...

Once you're done with your mission I'll return you back to where you belong, and get revenge on your brother...

-Max takes a deep breath as his eyes turn red and his transforms into an evil villain teleporting into Skylar's lair...-

Max: Yes, Mother Shadow Moth...

-He kneels down to her and an evil smile forms on her face...-

-We switch scenes...-

Scene 2: (We switch scenes back to Steve's point of view and to the school where everyone is waiting in the entrance hall for the bell the ring and for school to begin...)

Steve: What's going on? What's everyone waiting for?...

Another Student: Apparently the new student rep is about to prepare to make his grand entrance and introduce himself to the entire school...

Steve: Who is this guy? And why does he think he can just make some sort of big entrance?

-Entrance Music starts playing and the lights turn off as the student rep's entrance begins...-

Announcer: Welcome Paris High School Students To An Introduction Of A Lifetime!

We all know that you have been waiting and pushing to get to know our new student rep here at our own school!

And... in a few minutes you'll get the chance to meet the hottest, smartest, and most talented student we know! And once that's over we'll get right down to more serious business!

-Music keeps playing and Steve rolls his eyes while the other students whisper and gasp in awe...-

(Continue progress tomorrow and get more motivation going forward and finish it all tomorrow!...)

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