Episode 6: Strange Battles Part 1: The Demon King and The Pain Bringer

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Season 1 Intro:

Scene 1: (We being scenes in a dark hidden away slightly lighten room, where Steve enters and sees Marinette sitting in front of an incent...)

Steve: You wanted to see me Marinette, and what are you doing?...

Marinette: I'm afraid I have bad news, for the longest time, I've been trying to use my magical charms and break through Ms. Star's evil and dark connections, but I sense that today is the day she will finally plan to akumatize two people instead of one and use it to her advantage...

Steve: Why do you say that?, and how would you know?, she's only ever used her powers to start giving people senti-monsters, and now you're saying she's gonna get stronger?

Marinette: that's Exactly what I'm saying which is why I need you to start creating protective charms and use them against her...

Steve: Wait... you mean the same charms you tried using against Monarch?, didn't those fail?, and why do I even need an upgrade?

Marinette: the reason why you need to do this is because whoever she is planning to akumatize is going to be stronger than you have ever faced, and in order to complete your mission and protect Paris, you need to start creating chars and move past your fears, insecurities, and doubts.... Besides I believe in you, and I know you can do this Steve...

Steve: I don't know if I can do this Marinette, you were younger than me and had friends who knew about your secret, I don't have anyone and If I were to tell them, it would risk me loosing my miraculous and destroying Paris...

Marinette: Nothing like that will ever happen to you, my friends were trust worthy and even almost risked their own relationships to protect my secrets and themselves, but I knew in the end if I needed them, they would come and that's all that matters...

Steve: Your right, maybe I should tell my brother Max and even if he does accidentally spill my secret, I can just give my miraculous to someone else and protect Paris...

Marinette: That's the spirit now go home and get ready for school, we don't want you being late, and don't try to worry too much...

Steve: Okay I won't, I promise to start believing in myself, and Marinette?...

Marinette: Yes, Steve?

Steve: Try not to push yourself to hard past Ms. Star's dark forces, you could risk hurting yourself...

Marinette: Don't worry about me Steve, I know exactly what I'm doing, and if you do loose me, you'll become guardian and protector of Paris, everyone needs you more than me...

Steve: That's not what I think...

Anyways Bye!, Tikki, Spots On!

-He instantly transforms, and we switch scenes...-

Scene 2: (We switch scenes to Skylar's basement and see her de-transformed reading an old guardian book...)

Skylar: Hmmm...

Nooroo: Master, may I ask what you are doing reading the sacred guardian book that was lost all those years ago?...

Skylar: Yes, my kwami, this may be a sacred book only to be read by a guardian or protector, but ever since I've learned Chronicle Bug's true name, I have been planning my next step into reclaiming the ladybug and cat miraculous...

-Felix walks in annoyingly...-

Felix: and I'm assuming this plan includes me?, my dear sister?...

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