[OP: "Constellations"-- The Oh Hellos]
"What?" Bakugo said, more like he thought Camie had actually lost her mind this time.
"I mean, look at her." Camie tugged his arm. "She's so pitiful. And miserable. And maybe it's not that different from you and your anger issues, huh? A lot of competition and trying to be stronger than everyone else to prove she's worth something? But, like, she doesn't have cool friends like you do and like me to help her. It's just a little sad, isn't it?"
Sakura stared at her in rage but could find no words to express it.
"So you help her then!" Bakugo said.
"Nuh uh, no can do," Camie said. "I'm not similar enough to you two to pull it off. We only work because we're total opposites in almost every way. You could, like, be a role model."
"You're insane if you think I would ever see Bakugo as a role model." Sakura finally found her voice. "In fact, you really must be on drugs or something to even suggest this."
"Hey!" Bakugo got offended. "You should be so lucky as to be worth my time, chick. If anyone's saying this is scary, it's me."
"No, I think it's me actually," Sakura said. "Because I don't need your help. In fact, I think I'd rather die."
"Oh, well, good luck," Bakugo said. "You probably will die at this rate if you don't get smarter."
"How dare you!" Sakura said.
"I'll do what I want, Pink Hair," Bakugo shot back.
"Say that again, Short Stack." Sakura clenched a fist.
Bakugo looked like he might really kill her. "What the h--- did you just call me?"
"You heard me," Sakura said. "I'm sick of this. You can't keep insulting me like it's nothing, both of you. As if I would ever let you mentor me. Please, I've been mentored by Tsunade. What do you possibly have to offer me?"
"That old bag never taught you nothing but medical stuff," Bakugo said. "Not the same as knowing how to live your life the right way."
"And you think you're right?" Sakura said.
"Well, let's see." Bakugo counted off on his hands. "I have a career, I have a girlfriend, I have a belief system that I can actually explain in detail, and I have several wins under my belt. I think you're 1 for 4 there. I guess you're one above Sasuke, but that's no different than anyone else in this team."
"Well, the career thing is definitely better off than some of them," Camie pointed out. "A career is important. Gotta eat."
"So she has one thing," Bakugo said.
"Just saying that her prodigy thing is also kinda like you," Camie said. "I'm on a roll with this one now."
"Camie, get off whatever drugs you're on. We're not anything alike," Bakugo said.
"You just stole my line," Sakura said.
"I never said she didn't sound high," Bakugo retorted.
"But, Bae--" Camie tugged. "--you don't have a mentee yet. The rest of us all do, except for Brodoroki, and he's too busy being mean to Sasuke to have one. This is your chance to get ahead of him before he gets over himself and finds someone to mentor. What if he took on Sakura?"
"I don't think he could handle her," Bakugo said.
"What?" Sakura said. Then she said, "But I wouldn't want him to anyway. I can't stand that guy. He's so cold... At least you're more human."

The Way Through Stone Village (Naruto)
FanfictionThey survived the Mist, but now the team of rag tag hero students, ninjas and whatever the 3 adults are is facing anew challenge, and this one will test all of their courage to the breaking point... *** Gaara's peace cohort, now known as Team Zoe, a...