[OP: "Thus Always to Tyrants"--The Oh Hellos]
Breakfast was kind of rushed. No one wanted to cook that much, so they mostly had cereal or fruit or trail food again.
But about halfway through they were joined by Ami and Eichi also.
Shine then said they'd never actually left; she'd told them they could stay in some of the extra rooms, just in case any lingering bandits came after them.
Zokei was with Kurotsuchi--she'd wanted her to identify more bandits. And finally, they had found Doro and told him it was all over. Though the conversation to get Kurotsuchi to let him go also had been a challenge even for Shine, but finally she'd convinced her.
Ami nodded at Sakura.
"I guess we should introduce ourselves, no?" Shine said, sipping her coffee. "Everyone?"
They all introduced themselves.
"And you know Sakura already," Shine added.
"Yes," Ami said. "I'm glad she's finally back with her team..."
She cast a look towards Sasuke like she was still wary of him, but he ignored it.
"I did tell her we'd help her." Sakura turned to Gaara. "That's...fine, right?"
"Of course. We owe her," Gaara said. "And I must formally thank you, Miss Ami, for helping our teammates yesterday. You and the other bandits who helped were indispensable."
"I think you'd have been fine without us," Ami said. "You are the most terrifying people I've ever met. I wish I had been recruited by you instead."
"If that's an application, we can review it," Wally said.
Ami shook her head. "Not me. I need to get back to my family...but this is where I was going to ask you for a favor... Of course my freedom from the bandits is already a huge favor, but I have no one else to ask--"
"Just get to the point," Temari cut her off. "We're going to do it anyway, so stop with the formalities."
They all gave Temari strange looks, and she frowned, daring them to see anything odd about her saying this.
Ami swallowed her surprise.
"Right, well, simply, I need somewhere to go. The town I used to live in is destitute, and my sister's town isn't that much better. She won't be able to support us without my cut from the bandits, and I can't ask her to. I'd like all of us to find honest work somewhere... Eichi and I had a thought."
Eichi nodded. "Yeah, we don't want charity, so...uh, I thought I could join your team, just for a bit, and work for you."
"You want to work for me?" Gaara was puzzle. "But we're not getting paid for this except in food and board."
"One less person for Mom to worry about," Eichi said. "But it's really the clout we want."
"Yes, yes, if people find out we were bandits, I'll never be able to get work," Ami said. "But, if they find out we helped you, people will want us... I know it's using your reputation, but it won't hurt you any, I promise. We're not going to steal anymore. And I heard that you helped those other thieves, so I thought maybe you would..."
"I told you that helping those kids would lead to other problems," Temari told Shine.
"I don't remember you telling me that," Shine said innocently. "And how is this a problem? I think it's a splendid suggestion. Only one problem: we have nothing else to do at the moment."
"Yes, the problem is our mission is about over," Gaara said. "But, you already helped us. I suppose you could go back to Sand Village with us...or Leaf, if Leaf was willing. Leaf might be easier for you to adjust to than Sand, but I don't know if they would accept it."

The Way Through Stone Village (Naruto)
FanfictionThey survived the Mist, but now the team of rag tag hero students, ninjas and whatever the 3 adults are is facing anew challenge, and this one will test all of their courage to the breaking point... *** Gaara's peace cohort, now known as Team Zoe, a...