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Emma and Lucas barely survived the car accident. Yuugo doesn't remember the last time he had been this scared in his life. His whole world stopped when he had recognized the car and the two unconscious people inside of it.

Yuugo was starting to think they would never wake up until Lucas said his name. Oliver was with his sister at that time. The accident had cost him his right arm and had injured his leg to the point where he'll need help to walk. The accident also left huge scars on him, just like the one on his right cheek.

Lucas had woken up after 3 weeks. There was still no news for Emma.

The cheetah hadn't been as lucky as her dad. As well as numerous broken bones, just like her leg and her arm, the girl had been stabbed. No one knew by what since there was nothing with which she could've been stabbed. Yuugo had looked everywhere to see what could've hurt her that way when he was investigating. He found nothing. Not from what his colleagues say at least.

The poor girl was stuck between life and death for the last four weeks now and there were still no signs of her waking up.

Yuugo was about to leave the room to go see how Lucas was doing when he felt a squeeze on his hand. He immediately turned around to see Emma looking at him.

« Dad... »

« Oh thank god... You're alive! »

Yuugo carefully took her in his arms and he felt her weakly wrap hers around him as well.


It was Emma's first case. She was a police officer now, following her father's step, and all she did since she started working as one, was some patrols. So you can imagine her excitement.

They had sent her with another cop to a shop that had been stolen and completely destroyed. She investigated the shop while her partner was talking to the owner. She exited it since she didn't find anything and joined the two men.

She saw someone looking directly at them from afar. The person immediately averted their gaze from them when they noticed her looking at them. What she felt really weird was how fast they were walking away, like they wanted to leave this place quickly. And the fact she had a familiar feeling, like she had already seen that person before.

She told her partner she would be coming back and followed the suspicious person. Emma could only see the back of the person, but she could see two horns sticking out of the hood of the sweater they were wearing. Their sweat shirt seemed to be old as it seemed to be sewed at a couple of places. Their tail and their horns made her think that they might be some kind of goat or something like that.

The cheetah saw them turn their head a little to look behind them. When their gaze landed on her, their eyes widened before they turned around and started to run.

« Hey! »

Emma shouted as she ran after them, telling them to stop. The person tried to lose the cop in a sea of people. Emma managed to make her way out of it without much struggle.

The person didn't seem to have noticed that she was a cheetah. Which meant she was way faster than them.

Emma extended her hand towards them to grab them. She came closer and grabbed them by-

« Huh? »

They suddenly stopped, avoiding her at the same time. Emma had only time to turn her head around that they were already running away in the other direction. She let out a grunt of annoyance as she went after them. She followed them to an alleyway where they mysteriously disappeared.

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