Welcome home, pretty boy

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The week had passed way too fast for Norman's liking.

No. Like. Seriously. It really had passed way too fast. Like, one minute you're Monday, then the other, you're Sunday already.

Norman didn't like how fast it had gone. Yes, he had gotten time to be with Emma, but now that her boyfriend was coming back, he didn't want that to stop. The goat was a bit scared that the fact her boyfriend was back, he would not be able to see her as often as before.

As you probably already understood, Emma and Norman were at the airport waiting for Curt.

Emma was practically bouncing in excitement, which made Norman chuckle.

« You should keep all of that energy for when Curt is here. »

She turned around to face him, her huge smile never leaving her face. She grabbed his hand and shook it.

« I know, but I can't wait to see him again! I missed him too much! »

During the week, Emma had helped him buy some new nice clothes. He didn't want her to buy him anything, but she insisted and did it anyway. Despite not wanting to, he had a lot of fun shopping with her. He wouldn't mind doing it again. In fact, he would love to do it again.

« He's here! »

Emma's shout made him leave his thoughts and look towards where she was pointing. She let go of his hand and ran towards a young man.

The young man was a reindeer. His antlers were standing proudly on top of his head. I'm not going to describe him because I don't have any idea what he looks like. So just imagine the hottest guy you can that has tan skin and has reindeer features. His smile was so bright that you could go blind because of it. It even brightened up more once he saw Emma. His eyes seemed to be filled with happiness and tenderness. No wonder Emma fell for him.

Norman looked at the girl running toward her boyfriend, deciding it was best for him to stay far. He looked at them talking and could see how excited Emma was. He panicked a little when she pointed towards him and flashed him one of her big smiles. Curt also looked at him, smiling at him too.

Yeah, Norman could understand why Emma loved Curt. The deer was everything the goat wasn't. He felt miserable in comparison. He felt sad. But like always, he hid it perfectly. The couple made their way towards him.

« Curt, this is Norman. One of my best friends! Norman, this is Curt. My boyfriend! »

Norman extended his hand and Curt took it.

« It's nice to meet you, Curt. Emma told me a lot about you. »

« Nice to meet you too, Norman. Emma told me a lot about you too. »

Norman's eyes widened a little as he didn't think Emma would tell her boyfriend about a boy she had met years ago and became best friends with and then that she lost because he's an idiot and decided to leave without telling her goodbye and that she miraculously met again years later and then-

You get the idea.

They didn't stay any longer as they left the airport to go to their house. Norman told them he had stuff to do. It was a lie, of course. He didn't have anything to do. He just didn't want to bother them any longer and wanted to leave them alone since it had been a while since they had last seen each other. He couldn't go see Ray and Anna since they had left for their honeymoon. So he really had nothing else to do.

Emma looked at him with a concern and sad expression. Curt only gave him a smile.

« Alright. See you later, Norman! »

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