17. I'm stuck here reminiscing

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Once we cleaned everything up Arthur and I go back upstairs to grab his stuff, while I throw my old clothes in the laundry basket.

"So when will we see eachother again?" He asks from behind me, placing both of his hands on my shoulder softly massaging them, and I let my head fall back, his soft touch making me loosen up

"I don't know, hopefully soon" I say grabbing his hand and pulling them around my chest while intertwining our fingers, pulling his front against my back, feeling his breath against my neck

"So what does this make us?" He asks me quietly "just a simple one night stand or something else?"

My body shivers, I don't know if its the intense rush of emotions or the overwhelming realisation to be committed to someone again after Theo. Losing the sense of freedom again.

Without even thinking about how to answer it a simple word escapes my mouth "Boyfriends"

"I like the sound of that" he says and softly kisses my neck, making the fear of being committed to someone disappear

"I will talk to Tom about joining you on your last races" I tell him as I turn around to face him

"We could also join my brother for the f1 season, we'd see each other more" he proposes and I nod

"I will think about it" I say and grab his hand, leading him downstairs to the front door where he puts on his shoes

"Thank you for last night, I loved every second of it" he says pulling me towards him by my waist to give me a kiss goodbye

"It was a team effort" I smile and hold onto his hand for Aslong as I can as he walks away "see you soon Arthur" I shout after him as he gets into his car, waving at me before driving away and I close the door with a heavy breath. Everything I pushed down coming back at once. My mother noticing it peeking around the corner.

"You doing okay sweetie?" She asks me and I nod my head

"Yeah... I just had some inspiration for a song so I will leave to go to the studio for a bit" I tell her which is not exactly a lie but not really the truth either. A lot is happening in my mind which I can't and shouldn't say out loud

"Alright but you'll be here for dinner right? Were having pancakes" she tells me and I start grinning

"For sure" I say and grab my car keys from the drawer and put on my shoes on

"Love you, I will see you later" I tell her before leaving the house , driving to toms studio which I got the keys for aswell

I walk into it and switch the lights on and see Tom sleeping on the couch which scares the shit out of me

"What are you doing here? And why are you sleeping? Its past 1pm" I shout

"What are you doing here? I haven't received an update on the Arthur date" he shouts back at me

"Hey I asked first, why aren't you at home? It's literally next door?" I ask again

"I kinda worked on that song of yours and then it became really late and I thought I deserved to drink something and so here I am 7 hours later" he tells me and gets up from the couch

"You were up till 4am!!" I say worried

"Listen the song is basically done it just needs your approval... now come on how was the date with Arthur? Was the food good?" He asks me sounding excited

"It was great... and we didn't actually make it out the door..." I chuckle

"ohhh..." he says sounding disappointed until it adds up in his head "OOOOHHHH" he gasps "was it... was he good?" He asks me

"It was definitely something else compared to Theo" I admit

"But wait you both didn't even get dinner, did you end up ordering food?" He asks trying to get more details

"Oh no, I was filled" I say without thinking and he starts laughing

"NOT LIKE THAT, I MEAN I WAS TO EXHAUSTED AFTERWARDS, I COULDNT EAT" I say embarrassed, my face turning red in an instant

"Well I don't know what ur into" he laughs at me

"Okay listen we had sex... multiple times thats all you need to know. Im here because I got two lyrics in my head and I need to let them out so boot up your stuff and play me that rhythm you sent me" I tell him to hurry

"Okay hop in" he motions me to the recording room and starts up the set up

"Okay so slow it down a little" i tell him and I hear the music slowly playing

"I think I shouldn't be lookin' in those eyes. Why do they give mе butterflies? Can't exprеss how obsessed. Is it purely the attention? I'm just tryin' to decide. If I stay, I'd have to lie, to myself, feels like hell. To be in love with someone else. And I try day and night
Oh, to somehow draw a line. Wanna cross it all the time... I think im mentally cheating..." I sing a verse and Tom instantly stops the music

"Dylan what was that about?" He asks me shocked and I look at him concerned

"Lyrics for a song?" I answer confused

"No, no, no. After having such a good night you shouldn't be singing about Mentally cheating? What is going on?"

"I don't know alright, these lyrics just popped into my head while playing the keyboard in my room" I explain myself

"The lyrics or someone else?" Tom says judgemental

"That doesn't matter Tom, im with Arthur now and I'm happy. I just need to get out of this Max phase and I will be alright" I say and after not even finishing the sentence his name shows up on my phone, calling me

"Speaking of the devil" Tom says and hand me my phone "I will leave you to it" he says and gets up and I pick up

"Max what do you want?" I ask annoyed not getting an answer

"Hello Max?" I repeat

"Oh Dylan... How are you?" He asks sounding suspiciously happy after our last conversation

"You called me whats up?" I ask again

"So Hostile... I just wanted to know how you were doing. I miss you my love" he says and I hear laughter in the background

"Max are you drunk? Where are you?" I say worried and stand up, ready to take off

"No you're drunk"

"Where are you Max, I'll pick you up" I say concerned

"Check his story, you'll find it there" a guy in the background says and I do as he says, finding the bar he is at

"Stay right there, I'll be there in 10 I say and hang up, completely nervous and stressed

"You're leaving already?" Tom asks

"He's drunk, I need to take him home before.." I say and Tom interrupts me

"Before he does something that would make you jealous?" He says

"I..." I can't think of a response to that

"I'm not judging you Dylan, its just all songs you've shown me the last weeks weren't about Arthur, they were about Max..." he tells me and hands me the lyrics


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