22. I used to hate the mornings

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I wake up in an extremely soft bed, covered in a cozy blanket. Wearing a Redbull t-shirt in a room I don't recognise.

Oh my god Dylan what happened last night... I turn around with fear of laying in bed with a specific person but the pressure on my chest disappears once I realise the bed is empty

I notice a gaming set up for some racing and look around the room. No one can ever know about this... I sit down on the side of the bed as I feel my head throbbing. Somehow theres an glass of water and a pill next to me on the nightstand which I take and chug down the whole glass of water before I get up and leave the room carefully, I walk downstairs into the living room where I have my last memories last night and see Max laying on the couch scrolling through his phone.

"Good Morning Dyl" he says as he notices me

"Morning" I groan and walk over to sit on the couch with him after he sits up

"I shouldn't have been drinking this much" I say  disappointed in myself

"I tried stopping you but you threatened me if I dare take your wine away" Max tells me with a smile

"I hope I didn't do anything stupid"

"Well, define stupid" he smirks

"Oh my god what did I do" I say embarrassed

"Well, you were complaining about someone... a lot" Max tells me. Stabbing myself really sounds like a good idea right now

"Im sorry, I was just exhausted yesterday and I blamed Arthur for it all. It wasn't fair" I apologise

"It wasn't him you were complaining about" Max responds "but apparently you feel like complaining about him... you want to tell me something?" He calls me out

I really walked right into that

"I am not complaining about him to you. Who did I complain about?" I ask him

"Yourself, talking about songs you can't release because of me and being completely out of it" Max tells me

"Okay, thats it I will go home now" I say and get up "where are my clothes?... did you and I...?" I ask

"No, I won't do anything with you when you are dating someone and you kept saying im dating Arthur why am I here" he imitates me and I look away

"Your clothes are in the washing machine, you poured wine over them" he tells me

"That makes sense" I say and get up "and my phone?" I ask

"Kitchen, I plugged it in for you" he tells me

"Okay, I will go home and I will get my clothes in Monza, I got a concert there and I'll be at the race for Arthur, so I'll be leaving now" I tell him

"Okay, want me to see you out?" He asks me

"Yeah..." I respond and grab my phone before going to the hallway and put on my shoes

"This... cant happen again. I feel like shit being here without Arthur knowing" I tell him

"Noted, I'll let you sleep outside next time" he says making fun of me

"No I mean us drinking together, I don't want things to get out of control" I respond serious

"Alright, drive safely" Max says as I open the door

"Thank you Max... for everything..." I give him genuine smile before I close the door and walk towards my car. A walk that feels more shameful then walking home after a one night stand.

Once I get into the car and reflect the last night, my brain is flooded with lyric ideas and I instantly call Tom

"I got a great song idea, im coving over right now" I tell him as soon as he picks up

"Another one? You are really coming up with songs like a machine" Tom says impressed

"I got some inspiration" I say and start driving

"Do I want to know?" He says worried

"Don't ask, trust me" I say thrilled...

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