50. Love Forever

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I wake up after passing out 2,5 hours into the trip

"Look who finally decided to join the world again" Max says and I look around trying to figure out where we are since I got not idea how long I slept

"We're an hour away from Lyon" Max tells me

"Lyon? Already?? God I'm sorry for sleeping" I say and sit up straight in my seat

"I think you needed it" Max smiles at me

"Did I miss anything exciting?"

"Just some stupid french drivers on the road but that's all" He tells me and I chuckle

"Sounds exciting" I say sarcastic

"Well, further down is a motel, we can stay the night there" Max says

"Motel? That doesnt seem to meet your usual 5 or more star hotels" I say surprised

"I thought that in a little Motel no one would recognise us compared to a hotel in Lyon" Max says

"Right, Motel it is" I say and Max drives the next exit off the highway

"You must be exhausted driving for like 8,5 hours" I say after doing the math in my head

"I took a 30 minute nap as well after stopping at a gas station, so its fine" he tells me

"I cant believe you drove like 3 hours more then what we expected to reach and I can't believe I missed Paris" I say shocked

"I took a different route, we didn't even pass Paris, this way was like 2 hours quicker" he tells me, which means I didn't miss Paris

"Okay good, so where is this Motel?" I ask him

"Just about 5 minutes from here"

I look out of the car and the tiredness is hitting again, somehow the 4 hours I slept didn't give me energy at all

"I could sleep again honestly" I say

"Well your sleeping position didnt look exactly comfortable so I understand" he says and follows the navigation to the Motel and parks in the parking lot and we get out of the car

"Oh my god standing feels so good" I say relieved and stretch my entire body while making our way to the entrance

"here put this on" Max says and hands me some glasses and a cap while putting on some sunglasses and a cap on himself

"What is this?" I ask confused

"We don't want people to recognise us do we?" Max asks

"Damn why do you get cool sunglasses and I got to wear the glasses?" I ask him and he shakes his head

"Its nothing personal love, however you look cute wjth glasses" he laughs, making me blush and takes out the backpack with our toiletries from the back seat

"I feel like I should do the talking" I say confident walking towards the reception desk

"Go ahead" Max says and I approach the receptionist

"Salut, pouvons-nous avoir une chambre pour deux, s'il vous plaît?" I say asking for a room for two

"Combien de temps allez-vous rester?" He asks back and my french skills leave my body (for how long are you staying)

"Une nuit, nous ne faisons que passer" Max jumps in (one night, were just passing through)

"Ce serait 40€" he tells us and Max takes out his card but I pull out my 50 euro note before him

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