♡ 03 | I Want To Join

40 10 11

As the revelation settles over the room, an awkward silence ensues. Cedric's father, Amos Diggory, clears his throat, attempting to regain control of the situation.

"Well, that was a long time ago," Mrs. Diggory chuckles awkwardly, giving her husband's arm a soothing pat, her gaze sweeping around the room with her usual motherly warmth. She catches your eye, and you respond with an encouraging smile.

"Y/N dear, how have you been?" she chirps, beckoning you over with open arms, which you gladly accept. Her embrace feels warm and homely, akin to Cedric's, though with a touch of nervousness and a blush coloring your cheeks. "I've been good, Mrs. Diggory. Thanks for asking."

"What brings you here, Amos?" Sirius Black calls from the table. "I distinctly remember you wanting to keep your hands clean during the first Wizarding War."

"Sirius..." Professor Lupin interjects with a warning tone.

"I'm not here for you lot, mind you, Black," Mr. Diggory responds curtly, the name "Black" dripping with disdain. "He-who-must-not-be-named tried to kill my son... I'm here for revenge. Nobody messes with my family."

A heartfelt smile passes between Mr. Diggory and Cedric, and you find yourself smiling too. For the first time, you understand—or rather, sympathize with—Amos Diggory. His passionate love for his family and his burning desire to avenge them resonate with you deeply. It's a feeling you know all too well.

"On that note," Snape's cold voice breaks the warmth that had briefly filled the room, "let's get down to business, shall we?"

"Severus..." Mrs. Weasly says rather skittishly "Is Dumbledore sure this is the right thing to do? They are just kids!"

Snape's eyes narrow at Mrs. Weasley's question, his expression growing even colder if that's possible. "Mrs. Weasley, the threat we face is not concerned with the age of its targets. The Dark Lord and his followers have shown no mercy, regardless of age."

Mr. Weasley nods in agreement, his jaw set with determination. "Severus is right. We cannot afford to underestimate the danger. Besides, Molly, it's Dumbledore's orders. And I trust him with my life."

Snape looks at you, directly at you, his lips curled as he slowly extends his hand. "The letter."

You blink, unable to comprehend his simplistic command and shivering at his icy stare. It takes you a moment to break from your reverie and fumble in your pockets to retrieve the letter Dumbledore left for you alongside the will of your parents.

With one fleeting wave of the hand, the letter levitates out of your clammy hands and into Snape's cold and steady ones. He unfurls the letter grandly and pats it as if your touch has stained it. Almost instinctively, you, Cedric, Hermione, and Ron huddle close together as if lambs awaiting slaughter.

Snape's eyes flicker over the contents of the letter, his expression remaining impassive as he absorbs Dumbledore's words. After a moment, he folds the letter and tucks it into the inner pocket of his robes with a swift, practiced motion. Then, he turns to face the group, his gaze lingering on each of you in turn.

"Let me make one thing perfectly clear," Snape begins, his voice low and authoritative. "The situation we face is dire. Voldemort's return poses a threat not only to the wizarding world but to all of humanity. We cannot afford to underestimate him or his followers."

Sirius Black steps forward, his features etched with determination. "That's where the Order of the Phoenix comes in," he says, his voice firm. "We're a group of witches and wizards who are dedicated to fighting against Voldemort and his Death Eaters. Our mission is to protect the innocent and stop Voldemort's reign of terror."

Golden Girl II: By Your Side (Reader x Cedric x Draco)Where stories live. Discover now