♡ 14 | Last Tango, Then Paris

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"Merry Christmas!" Hermione exclaims cheerfully as she walks into the recently emptied Gryffindor Girls Dormitory, catching you in the midst of packing your trunk for the Christmas break.

"Merry Christmas!" you chirp in response, a curious twitch of your nose as a delightful aroma wafts through the air. "Mmm... What's that smell?"

"Fudge!" Hermione beams, holding up a casserole dish filled with tempting chocolate treats. "Mrs. Weasley sends some for me and Harry every year, so I've been practicing to make some for her this Christmas."

"Christmas at Grimmauld Place with Mrs. Black screeching profanities," you giggle as you finish closing your trunk, the thought amusing despite the less-than-ideal setting. "Sounds splendid."

Hermione's expression softened as she settled onto your bed, her eyes reflecting a hint of sadness. "Are you sure you don't want to come?" she asked gently.

"I am," you assured her with a smile, pausing to reflect. "It's been so long since I've seen Fleur and Gabrielle. I haven't met the Delacours since my parents' demise. I reckon I should change that sooner rather than later, seeing as they are my legal guardians now. Plus, Fleur said in her letters that she has some big news to share with me..." You glanced down into your trunk, hiding your blush from Hermione, "...and I am really excited for Cedric to meet my family. He never got a chance to meet my parents, so I really want him to bond with the Delacours." You sighed. "Especially since his dad practically hates me and was livid that I had 'bewitched' his son into spending Christmas away from him. Besides, Voldemort's reach hasn't extended beyond the UK yet, so France is safer than Grimmauld Place."

"Well, Christmas in France sounds magical," Hermione mused, a wistful tone in her voice as she envisioned the enchanting holiday ahead. Then, with mischief dancing in her eyes, she added, "And besides, Paris is the city of love." She made her voice saccharine for the last word, causing you to blush beet red, before continuing in a teasing tone, "You and Cedric taking an evening walk along the Seine, having Butterbeer atop the Eiffel Tower, a kiss at the Wall of Love, putting a lock with your names on Lover's Bridge... things are bound to heat up—ow!" Hermione's words were suddenly interrupted as you swung a pillow into her face, your embarrassment flaming as hot as the sun. "Shut it!"

After a moment of silence, broken only by giggles, Hermione spoke in a more solemn tone.

"I'm going over to the boys' dormitory now to drop off my homemade fudge." She took your hand in hers, squeezing it gently. "You should come along."You look up, glaring daggers at her "I know what you're trying to do, Mionie. Harry is the one who outed me to Cedric and then expelled be from Dumbledore's Army! If anyone's to extend the olive branch, its him."

Hermione's expression softens, understanding flickering in her eyes. "I know, Y/N," she says gently, her voice filled with empathy. "But sometimes, taking the first step towards reconciliation can be the hardest. It's been weeks, and you two have been avoiding each other like the plague. It's putting me, Ron, and Cedric in a very uncomfortable position. We can't hang out with the two of you at the same time, and we have to hide the fact that we're teaching you all the spells Harry teaches us in DA meetings from him."

You keep quiet, focusing on organizing your trunk as Hermione sighs, curling her toes in frustration. "Look, taking the first step doesn't mean you're excusing what Harry did, but it could be a chance to mend fences and move forward."

You remain silent, contemplating her words, but Hermione senses your reluctance. She sighs in defeat, her disappointment evident. "Fine... Forget I mentioned it," she concedes, her shoulders slumping. "I'll just throw this fudge I worked so very hard on in the trash."

"No!" you exclaim, feeling guilty as Hermione grins triumphantly. "Fine. But this is only about tradition and fudge. That's all."

"Yay!" Hermione squeals, bear-hugging you. "Let me just pack up my Ancient Runes books, and we'll go over to Ron and Harry's."

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