♡ 18 | I've Missed You

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"How much further?" Umbridge demands, her wand trained on you and Harry as you trudge through the dark, tangled paths of the Forbidden Forest, hands held high.

"Not far," you lie smoothly. "Dumbledore had to hide his weapon somewhere no one would stumble upon it by accident."

"Move faster!" Umbridge snaps, struggling to clamber over a gnarled tree root. The momentary distraction allows Harry to sidle up next to you.

"What are you doing?" he whispers urgently in your ear.

"Saving your backside, Harry James Potter," you hiss back.

"Thanks," he murmurs, a flicker of hope in his eyes. "What's the plan?"

"The plan," you bare your teeth at him, "is for me to clean up the mess you made!"

"So... no plan."

"I'm working on it!" you snap.

"You two!" Umbridge yells. "What are you on about? Where is this weapon?!"

She suddenly stops, realization dawning in her eyes. "There is no weapon... is there?"

Harry shoots you a panicked glance, but you quickly take control of the situation.

"Of course there is," you say, injecting confidence into your voice. "But it's hidden well. Dumbledore wouldn't make it easy to find."

Umbridge narrows her eyes, suspicion radiating off her. "Show me. Now."

"It's here... somewhere..." you stall, desperately thinking of a way out.

"Liar!" Umbridge yells, her voice shrill with fury. Red sparks ignite from her raised wand. "Crucio!"

A flash of red light streaks toward you, but before it can hit, Harry dives and pushes you out of the way. The curse misses you by inches, leaving a scorch mark on the ground where you stood.

"Run!" Harry shouts to you, pulling you to your feet.

You both take off through the dense forest, branches whipping at your faces as you sprint. Behind you, Umbridge's enraged screams echo through the trees, and you hear her crashing through the underbrush in pursuit.

"Over here!" Harry grabs your arm and pulls you toward a narrow path barely visible in the moonlight. You duck down it, the thick foliage providing some cover.

As you run, you spot a group of dark silhouettes over the full moon... half horses and half men with bows.

"Centaurs..." you whisper under your breath in awe.

"Firenze!" Harry shouts out "Help us!"

"Harry!" you hiss, pulling your arm away from him. "What are you doing? Centaurs are not safe! They're wild—"

Harry clasps his hand over your mouth with great force, his eyes warning you to keep silent. The centaurs turn their attention to you, then to the approaching Umbridge. Their leader, whom you guess is Firenze, steps forward, his eyes narrowing at the sight of the crazed witch.

"Humans are not welcome here," he says coldly, drawing his bow as Harry pulls you behind him and Firenze.

Umbridge skids to a halt, her eyes widening in fear as she sees the centaurs. "You... you have to listen to me! I'm from the Ministry!"

Firenze raises his bow. "Leave now, or face the consequences."

Umbridge's face twists in anger and desperation. "You can't do this! I'm Dolores Umbridge, Senior Undersecretary to the Minister!"

Firenze remains unmoved. "Your titles mean nothing here. Leave, or be dealt with."

Umbridge, realizing she's outmatched, lets out a frustrated scream. "You'll regret this!" she shrieks before turning and fleeing back the way she came.

Golden Girl II: By Your Side (Reader x Cedric x Draco)Where stories live. Discover now