♡ 13 | Honesty

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Draco lay in bed, his gaze vacant as he stared at the once familiar Slytherin green of the dormitory ceiling. When had it become so ugly? Rolling over, he peered out the window, where the gibbous moon cast a pale glow.

Ever since his fallout with Pansy Parkinson last year, fueled by the drastic rumors she had spread to Rita Skeeter for publication in Witch Weekly, Draco had distanced himself from her, Crabbe, and Goyle – a departure from the norm of the past fifteen years. Zabini, despite his complicated relationship with Pansy, was now the only Slytherin who spared Draco any attention.

Lost in his thoughts, Draco couldn't help but wonder what you might be doing at that very moment. Just then, he was startled from his reverie by the sound of movement in his bedding. His heart racing,Draco scrambled to sit up, his heart racing with a mix of surprise and curiosity as Ron's owl, Pigwidgeon, landed on the window sill with a flutter of wings. His eyes were drawn to the note tied to the owl's claw, a sense of anticipation building within him as he reached out to take it.


Your instructions were clear, weren't they? You wrote, "Come to the Astronomy Tower. It's urgent. Please." That should count for something, right? Then again, maybe Draco was so offended by how rude Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Cedric have been to him lately that he has resorted to avoiding you too.

Just as you rise to leave, the sound of approaching footsteps causes you to freeze in your tracks. "Oh no," you gasp under your breath, your heart sinking. Could it be Filch and Mrs. Norris? The last thing you need is to add detention to the list of misfortunes on this already miserable night.

But then, relief floods over you as the lanky silhouette emerges into the planetarium of stars. All the pent-up rage and sadness you had been holding back, because crying had worn you out, moisten your eyes at the sight of the platinum blonde hair and silver-cold grey eyes.

"Sorry I took so long," he says, his voice breaking through the tension. "I tipped Filch off that a few students are having a bonfire in the courtyard, so we should be fine-"

Overwhelmed with emotion, you cut him off by running into his arms, embracing him as tight as you can, and sobbing into his shoulder. All the worry, the fear, and the loneliness pour out of you in torrents, and Draco holds you close, offering silent comfort amidst the chaos of the night.

"It's okay," Draco murmurs softly, his voice a soothing balm to your frayed nerves, stroking your hair comfortingly "I'm here. Let it all out."

"Thank you,"you sob, breathing in that scent of lavender a wave of nostalgia Ï-I am sorry."

"For what?"

"I don't know,"you hitch one your tears "I just know that I'm sorry."

You can't help giggle as Draco chuckles at your words, swaying you light in his arms.


"And then what happened?" Draco asks about ten minutes later, his voice laced with concern. "Do not tell me you just let Diggory leave."

You shake your head, wiping away the remnants of tears from your cheeks. "Yeah... I-I did."

Draco's laughter fills the quiet space, catching you off guard. You blink, surprised by his reaction, and then find yourself joining in, the tension of the moment dissipating.

"Good Merlin," Draco chuckles, wiping away a tear from his eye. "How did I fall in love with someone as dense as you?"

You squeeze your arm, a slight twinge of discomfort settling in your chest. Draco's casual remark about falling in love with you catches you off guard, stirring up a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. It's not the first time he's said something like this, and each time it leaves you feeling both flustered and conflicted, especially considering your current relationship with Cedric.

Golden Girl II: By Your Side (Reader x Cedric x Draco)Where stories live. Discover now