♡ 07 | Reunion

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The Gryffindor Girls' Dormitory, nestled within the Gryffindor Tower, felt like an instant homecoming. Perhaps it was the warm embrace of Hermione as she jumped for joy at the prospect of rooming together, accompanied by Lavender Brown, Parvati Patil, and Kellah.

The room exuded Gryffindor pride, with four-poster beds draped in vibrant red eiderdowns and curtains, each bearing the Gryffindor crest. Yellow banners emblazoned with the house mascot adorned the walls, adding to the cozy atmosphere. Wooden chairs and dressers stood proudly beside the beds, while shelves at the back held books and personal belongings.

In the centre of the dormitory stood a sturdy wooden table, adorned with a stack of books, an hourglass, and a potted plant, creating a focal point for the room. A centrally located stove provided warmth and comfort, symbolizing the camaraderie shared among Gryffindor students.

But what truly set the Gryffindor Girls' Dormitory apart was its enchantments. If a boy attempted to breach its sanctity, a wailing klaxon would sound, sending them tumbling back to the common room below. It was a testament to the founders' belief in the trustworthiness of girls and their commitment to fostering a safe and secure environment for their students.

As you gingerly unwrap the familiar drawstring bag hidden at the bottom of your trunk, your heart pounds in your chest, each beat echoing in the silence of the dormitory. With trembling hands, you pull on the string, unraveling the cloth to reveal the precious piano-shaped music box that Draco had gifted you last Christmas.

Memories flood your mind as you gaze upon the intricate design and delicate craftsmanship of the music box. Draco had prepared this gift for you when you were six years old, but circumstances had kept him from giving it to you until last year. The music box, with its enchanting melody, only plays when it senses love—a testament to the bond you share with Draco.

You carefully examine the preserved wrapping paper, its bright red hue and golden ribbon bringing back fond memories of Christmases past. On it, in Draco's childish scribbles, is a heartfelt message:

Merry Christmas, Y/N Y/L/N! You are my very best friend! I love you!

Tears prick at the corners of your eyes as you clutch the music box close to your heart, feeling Draco's love wash over you like a warm embrace. Despite the distance and time that separate you, his affection remains a treasured reminder of the bond that ties your hearts together.

"Y/N?" Hermione's voice interrupts your thoughts, her hand resting gently on your shoulder. "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah," you respond quickly, hastily tucking the music box back into your bag to avoid Hermione noticing. You don't want her to lecture you about moving on from Draco. "I have to get going."

"Going?" Hermione's eyebrows knit together in concern. "Going where? It's the middle of the night!"

"I promised to meet Cedric," you reply, trying to keep your voice low and discreet.

"Ohhh!" Lavender and Parvati chime in, their voices filled with excitement. "That's so romantic! Where are you meeting him?"

"None of your business," Hermione snaps, her protective instincts kicking in.

"I would normally stop you from breaking the rules," Hermione says to you, her tone softening. "But Cedric's responsible and the head boy. I'm sure you'll be fine. Just watch out for Filch and Mrs. Norris."

"Thanks, Hermione," you say gratefully, offering her a smile before slipping out the door. As it closes behind you, Hermione gives you an encouraging wink, filling you with a sense of confidence as you embark on your secret rendezvous with Cedric.

Golden Girl II: By Your Side (Reader x Cedric x Draco)Where stories live. Discover now