♡ 09 | Trouble in Paradise

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Draco's voice trembles, his pale countenance a canvas of anguish as he recounts the nightmarish ordeal. "And then," he murmurs, his words barely audible, "my aunt, Bellatrix Lestrange, held me down while Voldemort burned the Dark Mark..." With trembling hands, he slowly unveils the dreaded mark etched onto his arm.

You avert your gaze, the weight of sorrow and fury heavy upon your heart at the cruelty inflicted upon Draco. He's just a boy, yet he's endured horrors beyond comprehension.

"I understand," Dumbledore replies calmly, his demeanor unwavering as he takes a sip from his tea cup. The three of you are seated in his office, the expanse of Dumbledore's desk separating you. "My condolences, Mr. Malfoy," Dumbledore continues solemnly, his eyes reflecting both sympathy and concern. "This was a dark, dark fate for anyone to face. But I appreciate your honesty."

Draco nods silently, his gaze fixed on the floor as he battles to contain the torrent of emotions threatening to engulf him. Instinctively, you reach out, laying a comforting hand on his shoulder, offering silent solace in his time of vulnerability.

He meets your gaze, finding solace in the warmth of your touch as you squeeze his hand reassuringly under the table. A soft smile passes between you, a silent exchange of gratitude and understanding.

"Things have taken a dire turn much sooner than anticipated," Dumbledore remarks gravely. "If what you say is true, Mr. Malfoy, Voldemort—"

"Sir," you interject, sensing Draco's unease at the mention of the Dark Lord's name. "Please."

"Of course," Dumbledore says sympathetically. "He-who-must-not-be-named is leveraging the Ministry's denial of his return to further his agenda."

"He has already orchestrated the escape of my aunt and other Death Eaters from Azkaban," Draco reveals, his voice strained with tension. "Even the Dementors have aligned with him. Many Dark Wizards from the first Wizarding War have rallied to his cause. And worst of all, he has coerced my father into placing Sturgis Podmore and Broderick Bode under the Imperius curse to obtain a prophecy from the Department of Mysteries."

"Sturgis Podmore..." you whisper, the name weighing heavily on your mind. "He's an Order member, isn't he?"

"Indeed," Dumbledore confirms, his tone darkening. "He was tasked with protecting that very prophecy. I will inform Ms. Tonks and Mr. Weasley to intercept him and Bode at once and replace his post." He turns his gaze to Draco and you. "Thank you, both of you. You have just prevented a grave catastrophe."

"It was all thanks to Y/N, sir," Draco acknowledges, his voice tinged with sincerity. "She convinced me to tell you all I know."

Dumbledore nods, his eyes reflecting pride and gratitude. "Your courage and honesty are commendable, Y/N," he says warmly, directing his attention to you. "And Draco, your willingness to confide in us speaks volumes of your character."

You offer a small smile, appreciating Dumbledore's words of praise amidst the seriousness of the situation. Despite the weight of the revelations, a sense of relief washes over you, knowing that your actions have helped avert a potential disaster.

"What do we do now, Professor?" you inquire, your voice tinged with uncertainty.

"You two do nothing," Dumbledore replies, his voice firm yet reassuring. "Carry on as usual. Mr. Malfoy, maintain your usual demeanor, especially around your family. It is imperative that no one suspects any change in your allegiance. Report any news, duties, or rumors directly to me or Ms. Y/N. In the meantime, the two of you must, at least for appearances, renew your friendship so that Mr. Malfoy may relay information to Ms. Y/N without arousing suspicion in the event you cannot reach me."

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