♡ 08 | Unbelievably Theory

56 10 16

"Hurry up, Y/N!" Hermione's voice echoes up the staircase from the girls' dormitory, filled with urgency. "First class of your first day, and you're going to be late!!!"

"I know, I know!" you yell back, frantically tossing items out of your trunk in a whirlwind of motion. Your arms move like a windmill as you search for your belongings. You and Cedric had ended up talking late into the night, and to say you overslept would be an understatement. Parvati, Lavender, and Kellah didn't even bother to wake you up. Only Hermione came to your rescue, casting a spell to rouse you from bed after breakfast.

"You go on!" you shout, finally locating your Defense Against the Dark Arts book. "I'll catch up!"

"Are you sure?"


"Okay—please, do hurry. I'll see you in class."

By the time you arrive at the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, you're already fifteen minutes late. All the tables are filled except one, situated next to the center aisle, occupied by someone who looks even more tired and disheveled than you somehow—Draco Malfoy.

"Malfoy," you say softly as you walk down the aisle, noticing his worn appearance. He stiffens in his seat as you approach. "May I sit here?"

He stares at you, his expression a strange mix of hostility, guilt, and hunger. You quickly avert your gaze, feeling yourself blush.

"Be my guest."

As you make your way to your seat, you stumble over a book in the walkway, catching yourself on the edge of a table. Lavender Brown, the girl sitting nearby, giggles, but her laughter is swiftly silenced by a sharp glare from Draco.

You keep your eyes down as you settle into your seat next to him, feeling bewildered by the antagonistic atmosphere. You sense Draco leaning away from you, his posture tense and guarded. Ignoring his reaction, you let your hair fall over your shoulder like a dark curtain, creating a barrier between you, and try to focus on the teacher who has just entered the room.

The teacher, who Harry told you served at his prosecutor at his hearing, appears peculiar, to say the least. Resembling a large, pale toad, her broad, flabby face and wide, slack mouth give her an amphibian-like appearance. Bulging, pouchy eyes and a short, thick neck complete her toad-like features. A black velvet bow perched atop her mousy brown hair only adds to the resemblance, looking as if it's precariously positioned above a fly. She's dressed in bright, gaudy pink robes that seem out of place against the dreary backdrop of the classroom.

"Ordinary Wizarding Level Examinations," Umbridge announces in her high-pitched voice, causing you to bite your tongue to stifle a laugh as she writes on the blackboard with her wand. You can't help but peek through the screen of your hair at the boy next to you. He remains stiff, sitting as far from you as possible, with his hand clenched into a fist on his left leg, tendons standing out under his pale skin. He never relaxes, even as the sleeves of his white shirt are pushed up to his elbows.

Your eyes meet, and you see that he's also struggling to contain his amusement. Quickly, you look away.

"...O.W.Ls... More commonly known as 'owls'," she finishes, her voice rising in pitch at the end, her smile saccharine as she surveys the room. "Study hard, and you will be rewarded. Fail to do so, And the consequences may be....Severe." Her words hang in the air, ominous and foreboding, sending a shiver down your spine.

"I am Dolores Umbridge," she smiles "And I will be you Defense Against the Dark Arts Teacher from now on. I hope we can become best of friends."

"Not likely," Draco mutters under his breath as you you giggle under your breath.

Golden Girl II: By Your Side (Reader x Cedric x Draco)Where stories live. Discover now