♡ 06 | Better be...

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The news of Cedric becoming Head Boy swept away any lingering coldness and anger Amos Diggory held towards his son and wife. It warmed your heart to see the three of them reunited as a happy and joyful family once more, with Amos beaming with pride and support for Cedric. At dinner that night, Amos raised a toast to Cedric, Ron, and Hermione, his eyes shining with paternal pride as he congratulated them on their achievements. It was a moment of unity and celebration, a reminder of the power of love and forgiveness to heal old wounds and bring people together.

However, the joyful, carefree period you shared in Grimmauld Place with Cedric, Hermione, Ron, Fred, George, and Ginny came to a bittersweet close. As you spent your time helping Harry prepare for his hearing, the relief that washed over you when he was let off was palpable. You and Cedric joined Ginny, Fred, and George in their exuberant war chant, "He got off! He got off! He got off!"

The celebrations lasted the whole day, but the next morning brought a different kind of excitement. You and Hermione eagerly awaited Mrs. Weasley's return from Diagon Alley, knowing she would be laden with books wrapped in thick brown paper. Hermione's longing for the smell of new books was contagious, and even though you weren't as big of a bookworm as she was, you found yourself genuinely excited to peruse through the fresh pages.

During this time, you grew closer to Karen Diggory, Cedric's mother, who became a mentor figure to you. She taught you how to cook, and you cherished the afternoons spent baking and chatting over tea in the cozy kitchen of Grimmauld Place. As you bonded with Karen, you also learned about Cedric's fascinating family history.

Karen hailed from the esteemed Avery and Greengrass families, known for their pureblood lineage. Cedric's ancestry traced back to several prominent wizarding families, cementing his status as a pureblood wizard. However, Cedric's great-great grandfather was a muggle, which led to the name "Diggory" in his lineage. Despite this muggle connection, Cedric's family tree boasted a long line of magical heritage.

"Didn't they object to you marrying Mr. Diggory?" you inquire, settling into a plastic chair beside Mrs. Diggory as she delicately sips her tea, her pinkie finger extended.

"Well, you see dear," Karen chuckles bitterly, her dimples mirroring Cedric's, "I had cut off connections with my family long before that. I embraced a more tolerant view and turned my back on my family's blood purity and pureblood supremacy ideals upon entering Hogwarts. And then...I was sorted into Hufflepuff. That was the biggest disappointment. Any other house would have done. After that, it almost didn't matter that I got the highest O.W.Ls and N.E.W.Ts ever recorded—well, until Cedric."

"Your son broke your record?" you ask, amused, cutting into the pie that Mrs. Diggory had spent all morning baking.

"And I couldn't be prouder," she laughs. "I was part of the Slug Club too, one of Professor Slughorn's favorites next to Lily Potter. Unlike Cedric, however, I wasn't interested in Quidditch. My favorite classes were Potions and Care for Magical Creatures. In my fourth year, I volunteered with the hospital wing matron to learn healing magic... Then, in my sixth year..." she hesitates, her expression growing somber, "...I began dating Remus."

You shift in your seat, intrigued by the mention of Professor Lupin, knowing the tension that exists between them.

"He was a great man, kind and caring... But it would have never worked out," Karen continues. "He was always sneaking off, disappearing during odd times of the month. It was obvious he was keeping secrets from me, and I just grew sick of it. We didn't see each other since we broke up in seventh year."

"What about the first Order of the Phoenix?" you inquire.

"I didn't join," Karen reveals, taking another bite of pie. "Though I worked as a mediwitch to help heal the innocents injured from the war. I was such an exceptional healer that I was personally requested by Albus Dumbledore to try and salvage the lives of many of the injured members of the Order."

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