♡ 11 | The Thin Line Between Friend and Foe

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"NO!" Harry's voice echoes through the common room, commanding attention from everyone within earshot.

"But he betrayed Voldemort!" you cry out, desperation lacing your words. "He's on our side! Dumbledore trusts him!"

"BUT HE'S A DEATH EATER!" Ron joins in, his voice filled with outrage as he voices the fears of many in the room.

"Ron!" Hermione hisses, her eyes flashing with urgency as she tries to quell the rising tension. "Are you trying to tip off Umbridge of our secret organization!?"

"We might as well!" Harry's frustration boils over, his tone sharp with anger. "Because the moment we tell Malfoy, Umbridge will know. Hell, Voldemort will know!"

"He won't!" You interject, your voice pleading as you try to defend Draco's newfound allegiance. "Plus, he could help you out with teaching, Harry. He's really skilled. Did you know that he knows the Patronus charm? His dad taught it to him before his third year because of all the dementors-"

"-I don't care!" Harry yells "He is still a Death Eater!"

"He's our spy now!" You yell back "He is risking his life for us! Draco is on our side now!"

"This is war, Y/N," Harry hisses, his eyes flashing with intensity. "And you wanna know who switches sides in wars? Absolute lowlives! They change sides once, twice, a hundred million times!"

"Draco is not like that!" you insist, your voice tinged with desperation. "I can say with absolute certainty-"

"Absolute certainty!?" Harry scoffs, his tone filled with bitterness. "My parents thought they could trust Peter Pettigrew with 'absolute certainty'. You wanna know how that turned out!?"

"Harry..." Hermione's voice is a gentle plea for him to calm down.

"THEY DIED!" Harry's voice rises to a roar, his anger unleashed. "My parents are dead because the person they trusted with 'absolute certainty' sold them out to Voldemort. I am not going to let you repeat their mistake, Y/N."

The weight of Harry's words hangs heavy in the air, silencing the room. You feel a knot form in your stomach, the gravity of his argument sinking in. It's a harsh reminder of the dangers that lurk around every corner, especially in times of war. You swallow hard, your mind racing with conflicting emotions. On one hand, you want to believe in Draco's redemption, in the possibility of a brighter future. But on the other hand, you can't ignore the chilling reality of Harry's words.

"I understand, Harry," you finally concede, your voice barely above a whisper. "I just... I don't know what to do."

"I don't know either," Harry is breathing sharply "If this is so important to you...Draco can know about the organization, but not about the Room of Requirements."

You nod, grateful for Harry's compromise but still unsure of the decision. "Thank you, Harry," you say softly. "I'll make sure Draco only knows what he needs to know."

Harry's expression softens, a hint of relief in his eyes. "Just be careful, Y/N," he says, his voice tinged with concern. "I know you've known Malfoy for a long time, and that you want to believe that there's good in him but we know him in the present and our opinion isn't colored by our love for him. He has been making our lives a living nightmare at Hogwarts for the past four years!"

You absorb Harry's words, feeling the weight of his concern settling heavily on your shoulders. "I hear you, Harry," you reply, your voice tinged with uncertainty. "I won't let my feelings cloud my judgment. Trust me, I'll be cautious."

Harry nods, his expression somber. "I know you will," he says, placing a reassuring hand on your shoulder. "Just remember, we're in this together. We'll watch each other's backs."

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