♡ 04 | Your Heart On His Sleeve

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Breakfast after that was an awkward affair, to say the least. Snape, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, Mr. and Mrs. Diggory, Sirius Black, and Lupin glare at you, Ron, Fred, George, Ginny and Hermione as you three keep your eyes fixed on your plates, feeling their stares urging you to finish quickly.

As the last crumb disappeared from your plate, they abruptly escorted the three of you out of the dining room and slammed the door shut behind you, leaving you to wonder about the secrets and plans being discussed inside with Cedric and the others of the Order. Your heart feels as heavy as a stone, knowing that Cedric is putting his life on the line once again, this time for your sake, and you can't even be by his side or express your gratitude.

"Don't worry, Y/N," you nearly jump as Hermione places a comforting hand on your shoulder. "Cedric is strong, and he's not alone. He has all of us, and he has you."

Did she read your mind? More like your expressions and emotions. 

"Yeah, hate to admit it since he keeps kicking our butts on the Quidditch Team—" George winces as Ron elbows him in the gut "—but the kid's good at—er—everything. He's the best of the best from spells to hexes to potions to charms to flying. No Death Eater stands a chance against him."

"Yeah, Cedric's pretty amazing," you agree, warmth seeping into your tone. "And he's always been there for me, no matter what. I just wish there was something I could do to help him."

Ron nods in agreement, his expression serious. "We all do, Y/N," he says earnestly. "and...some way we could help Harry. He must be screwed out of his mind, going all summer without a word from any one of us..."

"I miss him..." Hermione sniffs, and you catch a quick glint of jealousy in Ron's eyes.

You share a sympathetic glance with Hermione, understanding her longing to be reunited with Harry after a summer of silence. Ron's sudden discomfort is palpable, and you can't help but notice the jealousy flicker in his eyes.

"Yeah, I miss him too," you say softly, reaching out to give Hermione's hand a reassuring squeeze. "But Harry's tough. He'll find a way through this, just like he always does."

Ron shifts uncomfortably, his gaze darting between you and Hermione. "Yeah, Harry's fine," he says, a touch of defensiveness in his tone. "He's probably just busy with...stuff."

Hermione gives Ron a knowing look before turning back to you with a reassuring smile. "We'll see him soon enough," she says optimistically. "And until then, we'll just have to keep each other company."

Hermione and Ron are right. This is the first time in weeks that you have time with your friends to unwind and relax, with no pressure of the impending third task of the Triwizard Tournament looming over the horizon. The emotional and mental stress of finally choosing between Cedric and Draco once and for all, then the emotional turmoil of losing your parents and falling out with Draco, and Voldemort's return, and now the Order of the Phoenix— it's all been overwhelming.

The old, decrepit house may be filled with dark memories, but with your friends by your side, it feels like a haven of warmth and camaraderie.

You all gather in the drawing room, settling onto the worn-out sofas and armchairs. Lively conversation fills the air as you share stories and laughter, temporarily pushing aside the weight of the world outside.

Ginny suggests a game of wizarding chess, and soon the room is alive with the clinking of chess pieces and friendly banter. Ron, Hermione, and you face off against Fred, Ginny, and George, each team determined to outwit the other.

Later, you gather around the fireplace, toasting marshmallows and sharing stories. The flickering fire casts dancing shadows on the walls, and for a moment, the troubles of the outside world seem far away.

Golden Girl II: By Your Side (Reader x Cedric x Draco)Where stories live. Discover now