♡ 16 | Shattered Potter

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The Christmas morning sunlight filters through the window of the Gryffindor dormitory, casting a warm glow over the room. But despite the brightness outside, the atmosphere inside is heavy with a palpable sense of gloom.

Harry , his eyes fixed on the ceiling, lost in his thoughts. He hasn't been himself lately, ever since you left for France without saying goodbye. The rift between you two weighs heavily on his heart, and he can't shake the feeling of emptiness that has settled over him.

Ron and Hermione enter the room, their expressions filled with concern as they approach Harry's bed. They've noticed the change in him, the way he's withdrawn into himself, and they're determined to snap him out of it.

"Harry, mate, it's time to get up," Ron says gently, nudging Harry's shoulder.

Harry doesn't respond, his gaze still fixed on the ceiling. He feels Ron and Hermione's presence beside him, but he can't bring himself to meet their eyes.

Hermione sighs softly, her brow furrowing with worry. "Come on, Harry," she urges, her voice soft but firm. "You can't stay in bed all day. We're worried about you."

Still, Harry remains silent, his mind consumed by thoughts of Y/N and the distance that now separates them.

Ron and Hermione exchange concerned glances before Ron's determination sparks in his eyes. "Alright, that's it," he declares firmly. "We're not leaving until you get out of bed."

With resolute determination, Ron and Hermione each grasp one of Harry's arms, pulling him upright. Harry offers little resistance as they guide him to a sitting position on the edge of the bed.

"Cheer up, mate!" Ron gives Harry an enthusiastic slap on the back, nearly causing Harry to topple forward. "It's Christmas! C'mon, we've got presents from Mum downstairs!"

Harry's voice was heavy with resignation as he mumbled, "I just... can't seem to get into the spirit this year."

He clicked his tongue, drawing his knees up to his chest and burying his head in his kneecaps. "I keep thinking back to how horrid I was to her before she left, kicking her out of the DA like that." His shoulders tensed, his muscles taut as he raked his fingers through his unruly black hair. "And all that stuff with Malfoy!?! What was I thinking!?! Of course she has a soft spot for him! He's her childhood love!"

"Harry, mate," Ron begins, his voice gentle but firm. "You can't keep blaming yourself for everything that's happened. You were just trying to do what you thought was right at the time."

Hermione nods in agreement, her expression compassionate. "And as for Malfoy," she adds, "it's complicated. You can't control who someone has feelings for."

Harry lets out a frustrated sigh, his fingers tightening their grip on his hair. "I know, but... I can't help but feel like I've messed everything up," he admits, his voice strained.

Ron places a comforting hand on Harry's shoulder. "Listen, mate," he says earnestly. "We've all made mistakes. What's important is that we learn from them and try to do better in the future. And as for Y/N..." He trails off, unsure of what to say. 

Ron places a comforting hand on Harry's shoulder. "Listen, mate," he says earnestly. "We've all made mistakes. What's important is that we learn from them and try to do better in the future. And as for Ginny..." He trails off, unsure of what to say.

Hermione squeezes Harry's hand gently. "Just talk to her, Harry," she suggests. "Tell her how you feel. It might not fix everything, but it's a start."

"Mate, we've all made mistakes," Ron says gently. "You can't keep beating yourself up over it."

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