♡ 02 | An Interesting Morning

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The harsh light of yet another summer day eventually breaks through your slumber, stirring you awake. With a groan, you lay there, your arm shielding your eyes from the intrusive brightness, feeling groggy and disoriented. There's something—a dream, perhaps—trying to claw its way into your consciousness, struggling to be remembered. You moan softly and roll onto your side, hoping to drift back into the comforting embrace of sleep. It's been too long since you've had such a peaceful rest.

But then, like a crashing wave, the events of the previous night flood back into your awareness, jolting you into full wakefulness. You sit up so abruptly that it makes your head spin, blinking away the remnants of sleep.

"Your hair looks like a haystack," Cedric remarks casually, his smile warm and affectionate as he gazes up at you. "But I like it."

ou chuckle softly at Cedric's remark, running a hand through your tousled hair in a feeble attempt to tame it. "Thanks," you reply with a playful grin, feeling a sense of warmth and contentment wash over you in Cedric's presence.

"I was sure it was a dream." you say as you deliberate were you stand, wanting nothing more to return to sleeping with him but afraid that you may have morning breath.

"A dream about falling asleep." Cedric scoffs jokingly "You're not that creative."

You bite your lip.

"I...I need a minute to be a girl."

"I'll wait," Cedric replies, his smile reassuring.

"Meet you down at breakfast?"

Cedric winks. "You bet."

You manage to slip back to your room unnoticed, the heaviness of sleep still clinging to you both. It's likely that everyone else is already up and about. Locking yourself in the bathroom, you confront the unfamiliar face in the mirror, your emotions a jumbled mess. Bright eyes stare back at you, cheeks flushed with remnants of sleep. After brushing your teeth, you focus on straightening your hair, attempting to regain some semblance of composure. Splashing your face with hot water, you try to calm your racing thoughts, but with little success.

Making your way to the kitchen, you hope to lend a hand with breakfast. The room is dimly lit, the fire casting flickering shadows across the rough stone walls. A haze of pipe smoke hangs in the air, adding to the atmosphere of the meeting room. Cedric is already at the kitchen counter, accompanied by a plump woman with a kind face. He deftly handles multiple pans with his wand, a tower of chocolate chip pancakes taking shape on a nearby plate. The aroma of freshly brewed tea fills the room, mingling with the scent of the roaring fireplace.

Catching your eye, Cedric smiles and mouths 'Good morning, Sunshine,' his gesture warming your heart. Standing at the foot of the staircase, you silently take in the scene before you, momentarily forgetting your troubles.


Startled, you stumble forward as a weight collides with your back, arms wrapping around your neck. You look over your shoulder to see Hermione Granger, your best friend, with her bushy hair and bright smile. By her side stands Ron Weasley, his flaming red hair unmistakable.

"When did you get in?" Ron inquires, pulling you into a hug after Hermione finally lets you go.

"Last night," you grin. "Is your whole family here?"

"Most of them," Ron nods toward the kitchen. "That's my mum, Molly Weasley."

"That's great!" you look around eagerly. "Where's Harry?"

Both Ron and Hermione go silent, exchanging almost guilty looks.

You squeak as the air around the three of you ripples, and to your surprise, two new red-headed boys appear beside you. You recognize them immediately as Fred and George Weasley, Ron's mischievous brothers and the Hogwarts troublemakers.

Golden Girl II: By Your Side (Reader x Cedric x Draco)Where stories live. Discover now