♡ 17 | It's A Wonderfull Lie

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Stepping back onto the familiar cobblestones of Hogwarts after a month in France, it feels like returning home after an eternity. You've missed your friends dearly: Hermione, Ron, Ginny, Fred, George, and even the quirky Luna Lovegood, who took an instant liking to you. And of course, there's Draco, always there in the background. You've missed the exhilarating feeling of flying on your Firebolt and, dare you say it, even your classes.

But amidst the joy of reunion, there's a bitter aftertaste. You've been avoiding Harry for weeks now, ever since your return. He's tried to apologize several times, reaching out to mend whatever has come between you, but you find yourself unable to reciprocate. The guilt gnaws at you as you navigate the bustling halls, knowing that you're pushing away someone who cares deeply for you.

But thankfully, there's little time to dwell on it further. The O.W.Ls loom ever closer, consuming your every waking moment. Now, you find yourself holed up in the library with Cedric and Hermione from dawn until the last possible moment before dashing off to your first class. Lunchtime becomes another opportunity to bury yourself in books, and from the moment classes end until midnight, you're immersed in a whirlwind of study sessions.

As the days blur together in a haze of parchment and ink, Cedric gradually fades into the background. His focus shifts to preparing for his N.E.W.Ts, leaving you and Hermione to continue your relentless pursuit of academic excellence. It's not that you mind his absence; in fact, you're too consumed by your own studies to notice much else.

After weeks of sleepless nights and 3 AM starts, the long-awaited day finally arrives. The tension is palpable as none of the fifth-years engage in much conversation during breakfast. Parvati mutters incantations under her breath, causing the salt cellar in front of her to twitch nervously. Hermione speed-reads Achievements in Charming, her eyes blurred from the rapid scanning, while Neville's nerves manifest in clumsy movements, repeatedly dropping his knife and fork and knocking over the marmalade.

Once breakfast concludes, the fifth- and seventh-years gather in the Entrance Hall while the other students disperse to their respective lessons. At half-past nine, you are called forward class by class to re-enter the Great Hall. Cedric offers you a kiss of good luck before rushing off to his next class, leaving you to take a deep breath and find your place between Hermione and Harry, the seating rearranged for the occasion.

The usual four house tables have been replaced with numerous tables for one, all facing the staff-table end of the Hall where Professor McGonagall stands, her gaze stern yet reassuring. As everyone settles into their seats, a hush falls over the room. Professor McGonagall declares, "You may begin," before flipping an enormous hourglass on the desk beside her, revealing spare quills, ink bottles, and rolls of parchment alongside it.

After a tense morning of examinations, the fifth-years join the rest of the school for lunch, the familiar house tables reappearing for the lunch hour. Cedric's reassuring presence helps calm your nerves as he assists you in revising all the necessary incantations.

Once lunch concludes, you and your fellow fifth-years troop off to the small chamber beside the Great Hall, where you are to await your turn for the practical examination. As small groups of students are called forward in alphabetical order, those left behind mutter incantations and practice wand movements, the air thick with a blend of anticipation and anxiety. Occasionally, someone inadvertently pokes another in the back or the eye while engrossed in their preparations.

Ten minutes later, Professor Flitwick's voice cuts through the tense atmosphere, calling out the next batch of names. "Patil, Padma - Patil, Parvati - Potter, Harry - Y/L/N, Y/N."

"Good luck," Draco whispers quietly, his words barely audible over the nervous murmurs filling the air. Hermione offers you an encouraging yet slightly frazzled smile as you step forward, clutching your wand so tightly that your hand trembles.

Golden Girl II: By Your Side (Reader x Cedric x Draco)Where stories live. Discover now