♡ 15 | La Ville De L'Amour

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"Hey," Cedric nudges you gently in the arm as the flames fade away "That was really brave of you."

"Thanks," you manage to utter, your voice choked with emotion as the effects of the floo powder wear off. You squeeze Cedric's hand tightly, tears streaking down your face. "C'mere."

Cedric's arms envelop you in a warm embrace as he pulls you close, his chin resting atop your head. You bury your face in his shoulder, letting out soft sobs as you release the pent-up emotions. "It's okay," Cedric whispers softly, his voice a gentle reassurance in the midst of your turmoil. "I'm here."

In that moment, you find solace in Cedric's comforting presence. He doesn't offer false hope or empty promises of a brighter future. Instead, he provides the simple comfort of his presence, a silent acknowledgment of the pain and uncertainty that you both face. And as you cling to him, you're reminded of the strength that comes from being together, united in the face of adversity.

You both stay like that for a long time before you pull back from him, letting him wipe your tears with his warm hands as he presses a kiss to your forehead. You giggle softly, feeling a glimmer of lightness returning to your heart. "C'mon, enough of this sad stuff!" you playfully poke the tip of his nose. "You're in my city now, Monsieur Diggory!"

The flickering flames of the fireplace die down behind you as you step out onto the cool marble floor of the Sacred-Coeur Basilica, its grandeur and beauty breathtaking even in the dim light. Cedric's chuckle echoes softly in the cavernous space, blending with the hushed whispers of visitors and the distant sounds of the city below.

"Lead the way, Mademoiselle Y/N," Cedric says with a grin, offering you his arm like a gallant knight ready for adventure.

You smile, your heart swelling with affection for him, and link your arm with his, relishing the comforting warmth of his touch. Together, you move towards the edge of the basilica, where large arched windows frame the stunning view of Paris spread out below like a twinkling tapestry.

From your elevated position atop the Sacred-Coeur Basilica, the panoramic view of Paris unfolds before you like a masterpiece painted by the hand of a skilled artist. The Eiffel Tower stands tall and majestic, its iron lattice adorned with twinkling lights that dance in the night sky. Down below, the winding streets are alive with the hustle and bustle of Christmas markets, their stalls overflowing with festive treats and trinkets. The Seine River glimmers in the moonlight, its tranquil waters reflecting the shimmering lights of the city.

After a strenuous ten-minute climb up the winding staircase, burdened by the weight of your heavy trunks, you finally catch sight of the familiar Delacour bakery. Nestled in the heart of Paris, it stands as a tall and narrow testament to old-world charm. The entrance to the bakery is adorned with white walls, each featuring golden-outlined rectangles that draw the eye. The tinted windows, darkened to shield the interior from the glare of the sun, are adorned with elegant designs showcasing grains of wheat and delicate croissants, the symbols of the bakery's trade. In the center of two pairs of windows, arched panes allow glimpses into the warmth and coziness within. Above, a small balcony adorned with blue roses adds a touch of whimsy to the quaint facade.

"Y/N!" echoes a rich French accent from above, drawing your attention to the balcony where Fleur stands. She appears more radiant than ever, a vision of beauty against the backdrop of the Parisian night. Her silvery hair cascades like satin in the gentle breeze, framing her delicate features with an ethereal glow. Her sapphire eyes sparkle with warmth and excitement as she calls out your name, her presence filling the air with an aura of elegance and grace.

As you step into the bakery, the doorbell chimes softly, but what greets you is not just a quaint Parisian bakery, but a place infused with magic. The air is thick with the aroma of freshly baked goods, but there's an underlying hint of something mystical, something enchanting.

Golden Girl II: By Your Side (Reader x Cedric x Draco)Where stories live. Discover now