Bloody ice(001)

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Matt's worming up in the changing room. Everyone's out in the stands waiting for the puck drop. But i'm waiting to see my man.

We have about five minutes until they come out. I'm sitting next to the penalty box knowing Matt will be there multiple times.

I wish he didn't get into fights so much, it would be easier on everyone. The Rangers are playing against the Devils tonight. This will end terribly.

Matt promised he'd try his best to stay out of trouble tonight, but i just don't believe in that promise.

I'm with my best friend Angelica, she loves hockey so i invited her. Soon every rangers player comes out. And of course, all mighty Matt comes out last.

"THERE'S YOUR BOYFRIEND!" Angelica yells.

"Annie yes yes i know." I say back shaking my head.

He's basically flying on the ice. Worming up even more. I see him coming our way.

When he passes me and Annie he blows me a kiss. I get all flushed and feel hot. Everyone realizes he was blowing the kiss to me and starts to freak out.

I turn to Annie and we both just laugh. Soon the game begins and it gets intense very fast. About 5 minutes into the game a fight breaks out. Luckily Matt wasn't involved. It was Vincent and Curtis.

They both get put in the penalty box. Vincent it sitting next to me laughing. Probably because the fight was stupid.

But of course the game continues on. I felt the need to pee so i slipped through even to go. As i was walking to the restroom i noticed people pointing at me.

I want to say something but i don't wanna cause trouble. As i walk into the restroom i hear yelling. Cheering i think. I walk into a stall and pee fast. Wash my hands, dry them, then run back to the stands.

"What happened?" I ask sitting down.

"Your boyfriend slammed someone into the wall." She says pointing at him.

He's smiling his evil little smile.

"Of course he did." I say shaking my head.

He sticks his tongue out and wipes the bottom of his lip with his thumb. My knees feel weak. He's so good looking without even knowing it.

Soon enough he's back out on the ice. When he slides by me he smirks at me.

"Girl you're in for a treat with that man." She says pointing at Matt.

"Yeah i've realized that." I say slightly laughing.

When i come back to reality i realize someone was chucked into the wall right in front of us. When i get a good look at him he looks pissed. He turns around and drops his gloves to the floor.

Great, he broke the promise. His fist are up in fighting position.

"MATT DON'T." I yell thinking he could hear me.

He turns to give me a quick look. He gives me sympathetic eyes. Then he turns back and throws the first punch.

"Son of a bitch." I mutter under my breath.

He's fighting with someone i can't tell. Matt's getting him pretty bad. Then i notice blood. Blood dripping from his nose. Then i see his face. Jack punched Matt so hard his nose started bleeding. The blood drips from his nose and falls on the ice. It's dripping and dripping. It takes Matt a little while to realize it's his blood. Matt looks pissed.

Matt grabs Jack's head then starts beating his face.

"MATT PLEASE STOP." I yell while banging on the window.

He immediately stops. Is that all i had to say? Matt makes his way to the penalty box without being told. He's sitting next to me.

I don't even wanna look at him. But for some reason i do. When i turn to him he's already staring at me. He shakes his head. I tilt my head, he has scratches and marks all over his face. All i can do is feel sorry for him.

When i look over at the door the ref is calling him out. He points over at the door to the dressing room.

He just got ejected. He looks even more mad. He takes his helmet off and throws it on the ice.

"DAMMIT." He yells before storming off.

I start to stand up but Angelica grabs my arm.

"Don't." She says stern.

"But- " I was cut off.

"Y/n, don't, he's clearly mad and i don't want him to take it out on you." I slowly sit down.

"Yeah, yeah you're right." I say before looking around.

Soon enough the game is over and everyone is flooding out. Angelica took her own car so she headed out.

"Thanks for coming with me." I say hugging her.

"Yeah of course." She says before walking off.

I slowly walk to the dressing room. Everyone has come out but Matt.

"He still in there?" I ask Braden.

"Yeah, he's pretty mad." He says before walking off.

I suck in a deep breath and open the door. When i step inside the door makes a big clunk sound when it closes. He probably knows i'm here.

I hear stuff being thrown as i get closer. When i turn the corner i see Matt throwing hockey sticks, and gloves, and basically anything he can throw.

He's swearing under his breath.

"Matt?" I say quietly.

All movement stops. He snaps his head in my direction. He takes a deep breath in then sits down. He waves at me to come over.

His elbows are on his knees and his head in his hands. I bend down in front of him. I take his hands and bring them down.

"Y/n i fucked up." He says agitated.

"No, no you didn't sweetie." I say looking in his eyes.

"But i promised you i wouldn't fight, then i turned around and did it." He says shaking his head.

He gets up and starts pacing. He's mad, he's mad at himself, at the game, at the devils. It definitely wasn't his day.

"Matt, you're okay, shit happens." I say slightly laughing.

"No shit doesn't happen, i'm just an asshole who thinks he's better than everyone else." He spits at me.

"Matt stop, shut your mouth, no you're not. You're one of the most amazing people i know. So stop, and stop getting mad at me, shit does happen let it go." I say before sucking in a breath.

I said that really fast. He freezes. Then he starts shaking his head.

"You're right you're right." He says walking over to me.

He smiles down at me. I can only smile back at him. He kisses me softly before taking my hand.

"Let's go home." He says smiling.

My fighter(Matt Rempe imagines) Where stories live. Discover now