But i love him!(007)

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"Oh shit!" I say looking at the time.

"What what?" Matt questions as i rush around grabbing my stuff.

"I'm late for family dinner." I say running to the door.

"Here let me drive." He says following me.

I run to his car as he's chasing behind me. I open the passengers door and hop in. He's already started the car and leaving the driveway. If i'm late again i don't know what will happen. I've been late to almost every family dinner because i've been hanging out with Matt. Hanging out with my boyfriend.

Daddy never did like him much. Said he fights to much and cares about hockey more than anything. But it's fine. I'm happy.

And for my mom. She thinks he's trouble, a bully. She said he can't love a girl if he loves hockey that much. Said he will forever and always choice his job over me. But he won't.

They only say these things because i was supposed to marry rich. Not some 21 year old 6'7 hockey player from Canada. And especially not someone who "thinks there better than everyone else" as my father and mother say.

They judge him based on what the television shows or games or whatever you want to call them. Not who he is as a person. And i have been blessed to know him as a person.

He's genuinely the sweetest most kindest human ever. He doesn't care that i'm from some rich snobby family. He loves me for me. Plus he's hot, who couldn't love him?

I'm snapped out of my thoughts when Matt pulls into my parents driveway. I take a deep breath in getting nervous. I slowly open the car door and get out.

Matt comes over to me and kisses the top of my head.

"Everything is gonna be alright." He says intertwining our fingers.

We slowly make our way to the front door. I don't knock, i don't need them making this a bigger deal than it already is. We go inside, i can hear my mothers witchy laugh coming from the living room. Or the sitting room.

I take another deep breath and make my way there. When they hear our footsteps it falls silent. And when we come into view everyones head snaps towards us.

When i lock eyes with my father his eyebrows raise.

"Get him out." My father says before turning back to his conversation.

"No." I say standing my ground.

"What?" He says in surprise.

"I said no." I'm more shocked that i'm actually standing up for myself.

"Y/n, this house doesn't need trash in it." That really pissed me off.

"Oh shut up, just because i didn't marry a rich snob doesn't mean you can be mad at me." I say before walking towards the front door.

I can hear the gasps of the people behind me. I don't regret what i said. I wish i said it sooner if i'm being honest. I hear deep footsteps following us. I know it's my father coming to make me apologize, but i won't.

I start walking faster thinking i can get away from him. Matt grips my hand and squeezes it tight.

"You apologize to everyone this instant." My father says chasing after us.

"No." I say standing my ground once again.

"I'm not playing with you, apologize now." He says pointing back at the room with everyone.

"No, i'm not going to." I say turning back around.

Matt and i start walking again. I need to get out of here.

"You're forbidden to see him." I slowly turn around.

My father is pointing at Matt with an angry look. I look at him in shock. Forbidden? What are we in the 1950's? I look at Matt then back at my father. He can't be serious right? I'm a grown adult.

I see my mother coming into color from the shadow behind her. She clings to my fathers side like always. She looks at me in distraught, as if i have broken a law, or worse, killed someone.

I roll my eyes and continue walking out of the house. Once again my father is chasing after us, but this time with my mother. Just great.

"Listen to your father." She says.

"What? Why?" I say turning back to her.

"Because he's right, you shouldn't be allowed to see this man." She says pointing at Matt.

"But i love him!" I yell at them.

"Love? Please you're only a child." That made me mad mad.

"You don't look at mama the way Matt looks at me, you don't love mama the way Matt loves me!" I'm yelling again.

I have waterfalls coming down my cheeks. I can't help but cry. My father has ruined to many relationships, so i need to fight for this one. More than ever.

Mother looks ashamed of me. Father just looks absolutely disgusted by me. I'm a disgusting shameful daughter. And i can live with that. I can live knowing i'm in a happy relationship and am being treated right.

But they can't live with it. They can't live knowing i picked a hockey player. They can't live knowing he's not rich and not classy. They can't live knowing i didn't follow into their footsteps.

Soon my mother is crying.

"You." I say with a cracking voice. "You don't get to cry!" I yell.

She looks at me scared.

"You never ever stood up for me! You picked a crappy life and you think i deserve it? Me? I want to he happy goddamnit!" I scream at here.

"Okay." I hear my father say.

"What?" I say whipping my tears from me face.

"Okay." He says again.

"Let's go Matt." I say tugging at him.

He won't move. He's standing there giving my father a look.

"You have ruined everything, including your daughter." Matt says.

He finally let's me pull him away. I run to the car needing to leave. Needing to escape. I get in and scream. I just scream. I needed to scream for so long and i finally can.

Matt gets in and immediately starts the car.

"Let's get out of here." He says speeding off into the sunset.

"Yes let's do that." I say calming myself down.

I stood up for myself, i did it well, and i won. I finally won and i get to stay in a relationship, a relationship that will work.

My fighter(Matt Rempe imagines) Where stories live. Discover now