Dancing in the rain with a ring(011)

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It's pouring out. Raining so hard it sounds like hail. It's dark out, cloudy of course. But it's nice, it makes me feel clean in a way. I love when it rains. I always get the best sleep when it's like this.

Matt's in the living room doing who knows what. I'm in bed, watching the notebook. I know sad movie on a rainy day. Ironic isn't it? I love the notebook, but it is sad. It was the notebook or five feet apart, and i sob more at five feet apart than i do at the notebook.

I can hear Matt swearing which most likely means he's playing video games with his friends. I don't mind when he plays, but sometimes i wish he would just come and hangout with me.

"DAMNIT!" I hear him yell from the living room.

"Everything okay?" I yell.

"Everything is just fine." He yells back.

I can't tell if he's being sarcastic or serious. It's always hard to tell with him. When i look at the doorway Matt's lingering. He's barely tell enough to run into it. He's staring at me. Looking me up and down like i'm a snack.

When he starts walking towards me i feel uneasy. He plops down on the bed. He crawls towards me and lays on me. Having his head on my stomach and his arms around my back. He rubs circles on my lower back with his thumb.

It sends shivers down my spine. I can hear Matt chuckle and he keeps drawing circles. More shivers go down my spine.

"Stop shivering." He says leaving his hot breath on my stomach.

"I can't." I say moving my hands to his hair.

"Why?" He says slowly lifting his head.

"You're drawing circles. On my bare back." I say slightly tilting my head.

He laughs then lays back down. I roll my eyes even though he can't see me do it. The rain outside has died down but is still going. Matt moves his head so he's looking out the window. It's still light out but the clouds are dark.

Matt snaps his head up and jumps out of bed. I give him a funny look but he just runs out of the room. He goes to the front door and grabs his shoes. I'm even more confused now.

He runs back inside the room and goes to the closet. He finds on of his hoodie and my shoes. He throws them at me but doesn't say anything. He sits at the edge of the bed and puts his shoes on.

I follow his lead and do the exact same thing. I already have socks on so i don't need to worry about that. I'm in shorts and a black crop top. I throw on the hoodie Matt gave me. He's in sweatpants and one of his hoodies.

He stands up and walks to the front door. I stand up and follow him. He grabs his keys then opens the door. I follow him out but don't say anything.

"Come on." He says reaching for my hand.

I let him take my hand and we start walking. But he doesn't bring me to the car. We go to the street. The wet dark empty street.

I freeze.

"Matt?" Is all i can get out.

"Yes?" He asks in that voice that makes me melt.

"What are we doing?" I ask looking up at him.

"We're gonna dance, i remember you saying on one of our first dates you wanted to dance in the rain once in your life. So here we are." He says looking around.

I'm surprised he remembers that. That date was probably close to two years ago. I met him when he was 19 and i was 18. So yeah two years ago.

"But there's no music?" I say smiling at him.

"Who needs music?" He says smiling at me.

My smile gets wider. I put my arms around his neck and he puts his arms around me waist. I rest my head on his chest. I can hear his heartbeat. It's the perfect sound.

I'm so lost in the moment i don't care that my clothes are getting wet or that my makeup is probably running down my face. All i care about is that i'm here with Matt and that he's here with me. I only care that Matt is mine and it will be like that for a very long time.

We sway little by little soaking in this moment. Matt slowly moves away from me. I look around as if someone is there. I look at him confused of what he's doing.

"Trust me?" He says smiling.

"Of course." I say tilting my head a little.

He sucks in a breath then grabs something out of his pocket. Then it comes to me when i see the small box. I'm flooded with a feeling of sadness snd happiness all at once. He bends down on one knee making it feel surreal.

He smiles up at me. I let out a little laugh because this is the only time he'll ever look up at me. I'm holding back tears. He opens the box revealing a absolutely gorgeous ring.

"Y/n, you have quite literally made me the happiest man alive. You've made me such a better person since the moment i met you. You know how to make me smile and laugh and just be me. And i want to be this person for forever, for forever with you. So will you make me more of the happiest man alive and marry me?" He says with somewhat fear in his eyes.

"Of course i will!" I say.

He stands up and immediately brings me into a hug. I cry happy tears into his chest. I feel a rush of emotions, so many emotions. When we release from the hug he puts the ring on my ring finger. It looks like it was made for my finger and my finger only. It's absolutely perfect.

When i look up at Matt he's crying to. This tough manly man is crying. I can't believe my eyes.

I bring my hand to his face and rest my palm on his cheek. I wipe his tears with my thumb. He takes his hand and holds the hand that's resting on his cheek. He stares at me for a while.

The rain pouring down his face and my soaking wet clothes. This is where i want to be, this is where i need to be. Dancing here with Matt in the rain getting engaged. This is where i need to be. And this is where i need to stay.

And this is where i plan to stay.

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