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I'm sitting on the couch staring down at Matt's phone. Staring down at a woman's contact and their conversations. The more i look at their conversations the more sick i feel. I want to throw his phone, i want to burn it, blow it up. But i can't, i can't because i need to know what this is.

I know it's not Steph or Alley, i know them enough to realize when it is them. When i hear the key in the door i become nauseous. I don't dare to look up either.

When the door slams and i hear his footsteps i hide my face more. I hide the tears coming to my eyes and the embarrassed face i'm making. I'm embarrassed because he played me, because i let him play me.

I hear him throw his keys down. When i hear grunting i know he's taking his shoes off. I move my head a little to get a better view of him. I can see him tapping his pockets looking for something.

"Looking for this?" I say throwing his phone down on the coffee table.

When i see the blank expression i know. I know that he's been cheating and he knows i caught him. He stands there unsure of what to do.

When i fully meet his eyes they look dead. They look like they aren't really there.

He takes his hand and rubs his chin. He hasn't made any movements towards me.

I grab his phone and throw it at him. When it hits the wall next to him he looks at me in shock. I'm honestly mad it didn't it him. I'm now pacing, i'm worked up and i feel hot.

"You fucked me over Matt, you fucked me over!" I scream at him.

He's just standing there. He swallows the lump in his throat then tries to come towards me.

"No, don't come near me." I say holding me arm out to stop him.

"Y/n..." He says letting it linger.

"You've made me look like such an idiot, such a goddamn idiot. You realize that right?" I say pacing again.

"I didn't mean to." He says before biting his lip.

"It's worse knowing we saw your family yesterday. Alley and Steph acted as if i was the one, as if you were gonna be my husband." I say laughing. "I can't believe you fucking did this." I say before sitting back down at the couch.

I put my head in my hands. I can feel the tears slowly falling down my cheeks. My light cry will soon be a monstrous sob that i won't be able to stop.

I try not to let out squeals or squeaks while crying. It's always hard to have a silent cry. I constantly wipe my tears away from my face. I wipe as if they're gonna stop but they don't. They keep coming and i can't get them to go away.

I get up and walk to our bedroom. I go to the bathroom and grab tissues. I blow my nose and wipe my face. I sit on the floor and let everything out. I don't even try to hide my cry this time.

I cry so hard that i throw up. While i'm throwing up i can hear Matt walk in. I feel his presence right behind me. He grabs my hair and holds it. I shiver under his touch. I want to swat him away, i want to push him and run but i can't. I'm too weak.

When i stop throwing up and pull back i look at his face. I look at his stupid, fake, bitchy, face. But i'm also looking at the face that i fell in love with.

I'm conflicted, i want to believe he won't cheat again but i know as soon as he says he promises he most likely will.

When he tries to touch me i freak out.

"Don't touch me, don't fucking touch me!" I basically yell at him.

He looks at me in shock. He holds his hands up and walks out of the room. I try to gather myself but it doesn't work. I stand up and walk out of the room with tears still coming down my face.

"It meant nothing i swear." He says picking up his phone.

"If it was nothing why did it last so long?" I say crying more.

"Because it did, i don't know what you want me to say." He says snapping at me.

"Are you kidding me? I want you to say it was a one time thing, that it will never happen again! That you choose me and me only!" I yell.

He signs and shakes his head. He licks his lips then makes eye contact with me.

"But obviously i'm not the one right? I was just temporary?" I say grabbing something again.

I grab a picture of us. Of us at the beach. I throw it, i throw it hard. When i hear the glass shatter i fall against the wall. I break out into a sob again.
I'm crying so hard my chest hurts and i feel dizzy.

"I can't promise you anything Y/n, because i don't want to break that promise." He says sitting in front of me.

"I loved you." I say with my voice cracking.

"Loved?" He questions.

"You cheated Matt, i can't love someone who cheated on me." I say with my voice cracking even more.

"Please Y/n." He says with tears in his eyes. "Stay."

" I love you but i don't think i can." I say crying even more.

When i see the first tear fall from his eye i feel a sense of relief. I relief that he did love me. At some point.

"I'm begging you please." His voice cracks.

"You have to promise me." I say with a blurred vision because the tears have made my eyes their home.

"Y/n." He says.

"You have to or i'm leaving." I say wiping my face.

"I promise."

I stand up and walk over to the broken picture frame. We look so happy in the picture, what happened? What did i do that made him want to cheat?

"I just don't know if we will be this happy couple again." I say looking down at us.

"I'll try to make us that happy couple again." He says coming over to me.

I want to believe it, i want to believe he will never do it again and we'll be happy forever. But i know it won't happen, but i can always pretend.

I put the picture down and hug Matt. I cling to him, soaking in his smell. I begin to cry again but not because of sadness. But because of fear, i fear what the future will bring.

We'll just have to say it will bring the best.

"I'm sorry." He says before kissing my head.

"You better show your sorry for a while." I say looking up at him.

"I will."

My fighter(Matt Rempe imagines) Where stories live. Discover now