Bad day(006)

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"Matt?" I question walking farther into the locker room.

When i fully step inside a see a helmet fly across the room. With the number 73 on it. Then i see a hockey stick snapped in half.

He's angry. I look around and see him in the corner. He's all red and he looks like he's slightly crying. But i doubt he is.

He doesn't even realize i'm here. I almost trip over a hockey stick. That's when he looks up. He gives me a fake smile then rolls his eyes.

"Need something?" He says in a raspy voice.

"Well you're my ride, and we live together, and you're my boyfriend? So i just wanted to make sure you're okay." I say looking at him.

He just rolls his eyes. He stands up and grabs his bag. He starts angrily slamming his stuff into it.

"Okay Matt i get it you lost, it's just a game, you'll have many others." I say rolling my eyes this time.

"That's not why i'm mad." He snaps at me.

"Then why?" I almost yell.

"Because this is the first time you've seen me play." He says slightly raising his voice.

I freeze. Stand still. No movement. I look around, why? I don't really know.

"Matt." Is the only thing i can seem to get out.

"Yeah it's stupid, i'm aware." He says shoving stuff in his bag.

"No no it's not." I say walking closer to him.

I grab his hand and hold it.

"I've seen you play before." I say slightly confused.

"Not in person." He says slowly sitting back down.

I slowly sit in front of him. I've seen him on tv and everything but he's right, never in person. I've never really had time to see him play. I know that's shitty but with college going on it's hard. But i always watched him on the tv when he played. Never missed a game unless big was happening.

I always supported him no matter what. And i plan to support him no matter what for a long time. He takes his eyes off the floor and looks at mine. No words are being said yet so many are.

"I wanted so badly to show you how good i am." He says disappointed in himself.

"Matt, you're already amazing, you'll always be amazing no matter what." I say smiling at him.

That's true. He'll be amazing today tomorrow forever. Nothing he says or do will make him stop being good.

"I'm sorry." He says getting teary eyed.

"It's okay." I say putting my palm to his cheek.

I stand up and grab his hands. I slowly pull him up and he grabs his bag. He finishes putting all his stuff away. I walk to the doorway to wait for him. I hear him scrummaging around but i don't look back. I also hear his feet shuffling around too. But again, i don't look back.

I can hear his footsteps getting closer to me. Then i feel his lips on my cheek. He teases me by tacking me in kisses.

"Hey hey hey." I say giggling.

"Don't make me stop." He says laughing with me.

"I have to." I say getting him to stop.

He stepped back and just smiled at me. He took my hand and we headed out. We got to the car and we got in.

"Ice cream!" I basically yell.

"What?" He says pulling out of the parking lot.

"We should get ice cream." I say grinning.

"Y/n, it's 10:30." He says shaking his head.

"And? I'll pay for it." I say getting my wallet.

He takes my wallet and keeps it on his lap. He doesn't say anything else. I start thinking he's not gonna get us ice cream. And that's fine it was just an idea.

I grab my phone and go to pinterest. I scroll and scroll until we pull up to a dairy queen. I look at Matt confused but he's just smiling. We're in the drive through stuck behind a car.

"What do you want?" He says grabbing his wallet.

"Oh uhm, i'll do the chocolate chip cookie dough blizzard." I say smiling at him.

The car in front of us pulls ahead. We pull up and Matt orders for us. I wasn't paying attention to what he ordered. After he ordered he pulled to the window thing. He grabs his wallet and i look at him in shock. I offered to pay.

He pays and doesn't say a word to me. I'm still giving him a dumb look when he puts his wallet away. He looks at my and chuckles but doesn't say anything. I shake my head and grab my wallet from his lap.

He pulls up to the other window and gets our ice cream. He hands me mine then takes his. When i look over to where the person is i notice it's a blonde girl trying to flirt with Matt.

I stick my head out to get a better look at her. When she notices me she freezes. I raise my eyebrows and she stops. She tells Matt goodnight and shut the window. Matt drives off bringing us home.

"She seemed interested." I say slightly laughing.

I eat a spoonful of my blizzard.

"Well i wasn't interested in her." He says smiling at me.

I get flushed and slightly laugh. He smiles at me then looks back at the road. I'm still looking at him, admiring what is mine.

"You're handsome you know that?" I say before shoving some of my blizzard in my mouth.

"Oh really?" He says raising an eyebrow.

"Really." I say laughing.

"You're gorgeous you know that?" He says looking over at me.

"Oh really?" I say mocking him.

"Really." I smile at him as he gives me a smirk.

He shakes his head and laughs. I laugh with him. I put my blizzard cup in the cup holder and move my position i'm sitting in.

He takes his hand and rest it on my thigh. I give him a stupid look and he just smiles.

"I love you." I say giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"I love you more." He says squeezing my thigh. "And thank you." He says smiling at me.

"For?" I say tilting my head.

"Supporting me with hockey." He says before making a sharp turn.

"Of course, and i'll always will." I say taking his hand and holding it.

He turns to me and his eyes are lighting up.

"I'm gonna marry you one day." He says before giving me a hard kiss.

"Yes, yes you will." I say before going into another kiss.

My fighter(Matt Rempe imagines) Where stories live. Discover now