Get your knuckles bloody for me(004)

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Once again the rivals are back at it. Devils vs Rangers. Hopefully no fights tonight but that's won't be possible. I'm sitting front row like i always do. Watching both teams worm up. I'm on the devils side sadly.

Obviously some of then recognize me from pictures. Some recognize me from the news. They just know me as Matt Rempe's girlfriend.

And as some slowly pass by they point at me. Whisper about me. Laugh at me. Probably thinking "Who does this bitch think she is? Dating Matt Rempe? That relationship won't last." Most likely.

When Jack and Luke pass me they laugh and point and what not. I try to ignore it but i can't. Why talk about someone when you know they know?

I need this game to start. Immediately. We have five minutes till the puck drop. Hope i can survive. I just keep my head low and scroll through instagram.

Then i hear a loud sound. Someone hit the window with a puck. I bet they did it on purpose, because why wouldn't they?

Finally! The puck drop. Matt is next To Mercer. I can't really see who's near the ref for the drop. But i see feet moving. Devils got the puck first. I see a shot being taken but Igor stopped it.

Then i see Braden flying down my way. He passes to Matt and Matt takes the shot. He gets a goal. Everyone cheers and claps, and so do i. Before going to the other side he skates by me and smiles. I smile back at him then he's off.

I need to use the restroom so i get up. I find the restroom and get in a stall. I hear two doors open then the sinks turn on. Then i hear two girl voices.

"Did you know that Matt Rempe's girlfriend is here." One says.

I hear laughing.

"She's probably only dating him to get famous, no one could ever last in a relationship like that." I flush my toilet then walk out.

They both fall silent when they see my face. They both give each other a look then walk out. It's funny how i can make two people stop without using any words. I quickly wash my hands and dry them off. Then i'm heading back to my seat.

When i'm back to my seat i realize Matt isn't on the ice. He's with his other teammates on the sidelines.

In that moment Kakko gets off the ice while Matt gets on. Bastian chucked Matt into the wall on the opposite side of me. Then i see Bastian point at me then say something to Matt.

Bastian laughed but Matt took his gloves off.

"You're dead." I hear Matt say.

When Bastian realized Matt's were off he threw his off.

Bastian threw the first punch but missed. That's when Matt threw two punches, he got Bastian bad. The fight lasted five minutes before Matt threw him on the ground. Matt has some cuts on his lip and nose, whole Bastian had all that, a bloody nose, swollen eye, and what looks like cuts on his forehead.

I don't necessarily know how Matt could do that but i'm not questioning it. But i am disappointed he got into a fight. He shouldn't have done that. He's brought to the penalty box and so was Bastian.

Bastian was let out early so he can get checked on. While Matt was left in the box.

I know they've had their difficulties but what mad Matt flip out? Luckily the game is almost over so we can talk later.

Only seven minutes left, God this needs to hurry up. I see the ref grab Matt and send him to the dressing room.

He throws his stick at a wall and it breaks. But he still keeps himself together i guess.

The game is over, 7-12, rangers won. At least Matt can be happy about that.

I wait by the changing room. Matt's one of the first to come out. And he looks mad. He comes over to me and kisses my cheek then walks away.

"Matt?" I say following behind him.

He just keep walking.

"Matt!" I yell.

He finally turns around to face me.

"What?" He says in his deep voice.

"What'd he say?" I ask getting closer to him.

"What?" He asks looking at me confused.

"Bastian, he said something and you flipped out." I can see the lightbulb go on.

"Oh, he called you a whore." He says as he continues walking.

"No, there was more to that, you wouldn't have freaked out over that tiny thing." He rolls his eyes.

"Fine fine." He says shaking his head. "He called you a whore, then said you were cheating on me because no one could ever date me, there happy?" He says throwing his hands up.

I stand still, blinking at him. I'm in shock he would believe something like that. I would never cheat, i'm not like that. I'm not a cheater.

"I'm not a cheater." I say hoping he believes me.

"I know, it just bothered me they way he was talking about you, then laughing at it? I just couldn't stop." He says before taking a deep breath in.

I walk over to him and give him a hug. He holds me tight not wanting to let go.

"You're crushing me." I say tapping his back.

"Sorry." He says slightly laughing.

I grab his hands to see his bloody knuckles.

"You got your knuckles bloody for me." I say smiling.

"I'd do it more than once." He says before kissing me.

I smile into the kiss, knowing i'm genuinely happy. Once he leaves the kiss he immediately grabs my hand. We intertwine fingers and head out. I can feel the dry blood rub against my hand. I'll clean it when we get home.

We make it to the car and he opens my door for me. I climb in and buckle up. Matt does the same then we're off.

We make it home and we get out of the car. I grab his hand and bring him to the kitchen.

"Sit." I say pointing at the counter top.

He does as i say and i find the bathroom. I grab some peroxide and a towel. I walk back out to him. He's picking at the dry blood.

"No." I say slapping his hand away. "This will probably burn." I say before pouring it on his wounds.

He squeals then calms down. I take the towel and wipe away the blood. I walk back to the bathroom and grab three band-aids. I walk back to him and unwrap the band-aid. I put one on his middle finger knuckle, then one on his pinky knuckle, then one on his weeding ring knuckle.

"Alright you're good to go." I say smiling at him.

I'm standing in between his legs when they wrap around my torso. He gives me a kiss.

"I think you need to let me go so i can clean up." I say laughing.

"Mm you can do that later." He says before kissing my neck.

"Matt Matt!" I say giggling.

"Yes?" He says stoping.

"Not here, bedroom." I say pointing at it.

"Of course." He hops down then picks me up.

He runs with me to the bedroom. And i'm laughing the whole time.

My fighter(Matt Rempe imagines) Where stories live. Discover now