I just wanna be yours(005)

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Matt is my best friend. He has been sense we were young. But he doesn't know i've been in love with him. But i know he doesn't love me back, or even like me for that matter.

He doesn't look at me that way. Not that i can blame him, he can do way better than me. I'm just happy we're friends. But all i really want is to be his.

Today Matt's taking me ice skating. He says i should get practice. And because he's the pro he's gonna help me. He's picking up in about 30 minutes.

I throw on yoga pants and a Beatles hoodie. I grab my dirty converses and put them on too. I wait and wait and wait until i hear a car door slam. But i don't stand up quite yet.

When i hear knocking on the door i stand up. I walk to the door and open it. When it's fully open i'm greeted by a smiling Matt. He runs too me slamming his body into mine making me laugh.

"God if you were any taller you'd crush me." I say still laughing.

"You never know, i might still be growing." He says teasing me back.

"Yeah okay." I say finishing my laughing.

He smiles at me. I warm soft smile. Which of course, makes me smile.

"Well let's get going, i got something for you in the car." He says before basically running out of the house.

I just roll my eyes and walk out. I shut the door and make sure it's locked. It is. I walk to his car and get in the passenger seat. When i'm fully seated and buckled he hands me a box. It's a pretty big box.

It's white with a purple flower on one side. I give him and look and he just shakes his head yes. I slowly open the box to reveal white skates. Probably really expensive skates.

"Matt, I-" He cuts me off.

"Y/n, don't worry about it, they weren't that much." He says turning a corner.

"Matt, these look like they cost a lot, like over a hundred lot." I say picking one up.

"I mean you're close." He says shrugging his shoulders.

"How much." I say raising an eyebrow.

"Uhm maybe like $150 or $170." My eyes pop out of my head.

"MATT." I basically scream top lungs.

"It's fine." He says rolling his eyes.

"Whatever you say." I don't wanna argue with him so i leave it there.

We stay silent the whole way there. No making noises, no talking, no nothing. Just silence. It's weird not talking.

When we pull up to the skating rink i see Matt's face light up. This is basically his home. When we pull into a parking lot i realize things look off. When i look around i notice like three cars.

I don't ask questions just yet. I grab my new skates and follow Matt inside. When we walk inside i realize no ones here. No ones skating. Most of the there's at least at least 10 or 15 people skating.

Matt walks around and find a bag. Was he already here today? Then i see his skates. He was.

"Matt?" I ask looking around.

"Yes?" He says looking around with me.

"Where is everyone." I say pointing around.

"Oh i rented the place out, just us for about three hours." He says so nonchalantly.

"Oh course you did." I say jokingly.

We walk to the rink area and put our skates on. Matt walks to the rink leaving me behind. I'm kind of nervous. I never really skate a lot.

When he turns back he sees me just standing there. He shakes his head and comes to get me. He takes my hand and i grip on tight. When my skates hit the ice my legs go weak. It's like i've never used them before.

I slowly get used to it. Matt holding my hands skating backwards.

"Matt you don't have to do this, go enjoy this." I say basically shooing him away.

"No i wanna do this." He says smiling at me.

"Well alright." I say smiling back at him.

He leads me to the middle and we just stand there. Giving us, well me a break. When we're standing there all the sudden my mouth starts talking before my brain can think.

"I'm in love with you." I blurt out.

My eyes grow big and my heart starts beating fast. What did i just do? I see the confusion on his face. Then i see a small look of relief, then it's washed with confusion again.

"I-i'm sorry." I say trying to skate away.

Matt grabs my hand making me turn around. He just smiles and holds my face. All the sudden his face gets closer and closer then we're kissing. His palm against my cheek holding me there.

When he pulls away i'm in shock. Thinking to myself, what just happened?

"I'm in love with you too." He says smiling.

"What?" I ask even more confused.

"I have been for a while now." He says smiling wider.

I go back for a kiss. One of his hands making its way to the back of my neck leaving the other on my cheek. I feel him smile into the kiss.

When he pulls away he's still smiling.

"I've been dreaming about kissing you since forever." He says laughing.

"Oh Matt." I say laughing along with him.

He takes my hands once again and starts skating. But this time it feels exciting, thrilling, just better. We're both smiling, just soaking each other in.

I almost fall on my face bringing Matt down with me. When my butt hits the floor i let out a laugh. Then another laugh. Then soon i'm laughing and laughing and i'm not stopping.

When i try to pull myself up i fall down again making me laugh even more. When i realize Matt's looking at me i laugh once more. I feel slap happy.

"Well someones in a good mood." He says laughing.

He helps me up and brings me back to the center.

"Y/n, will you be my girlfriend." I can see the fear on his face.

"Of course i will Matt." I say smiling.

He immediately goes in for a kiss. He kisses me long and soft. Letting us get used to this feeling. This amazing wonderful feeling. I just wanna stay like this forever.

This time i pull away. When i see his smile i melt. I smile so wide it hurts my mouth.

"God i love you." He says looking in my eyes.

"I love you too Matt." I say kissing him one last time.

Wow. What a day.

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