Big day pt.1(012)

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Today is the wedding day. Matt and I got engaged about seven months ago. I decided that Alley and Steph and my best friend Valerie would be bridesmaids but my older sister Kora is gonna be my maid of honor.

I'm extremely nervous for today. What if he says no? What if he decides to leave? What if i'm not-

"Hey you look gorgeous!" I hear Alley say behind me.

"Oh thank you." I say in my shy voice whenever i'm around his family.

His family is very nice to me but i always get nervous around them. They've accepted me they have but i still feel out of place. I feel as if i'm to young to be married or we are only a good couple if we're only dating.

"Nervous?" She says standing in front of me.

"Is it that obvious?" I say before letting a breath out.

"I can tell when you're nervous because your voice does that thing." She says giving me a smile.

Well that's embarrassing.

"I promise i do it around everyone." I say hoping she believes me.

"It's okay, i do it too." She says walking over to me. "Plus you can be nervous, you're getting married!" She says way to enthusiastically.

She takes my hands and holds them. She tilts her head then takes one of her hands and brings it to my face. She moves a piece of hair that was loose and puts it behind my ear.

"Matt's lucky to have you." She says while having a genuine smile on her face.

That makes me feel so much better about myself. It makes me feel so much better to the point where i get tears in my eyes.

I look up at the ceiling without moving my head. The tears go away and i'm left there smiling at Alley. She gives me a hug before walking out.

I turn to the mirror and look at myself. I'm in a white dress, it's not to small but not to puffy either. It's perfect absolutely perfect. I have a short dress and sneakers for the reception so i'm comfortable walking around and dancing.

I already have my makeup done and my hair done. I'm just waiting for everything to start. I start pacing back and fourth hoping time goes by faster.

Halfway through my pacing someone knocks in the door.

"Come in." I say continuing to pace.

"Hey." He says with a smile.

"Kreider." I say walking towards him.

He pulls me into a hug and i feel comfort. Chris has always been one of my favorite teammates of Matt's. He's just a nice guy and doesn't care what people think of him.

"Everything is gonna be okay, Matt keeps talking about you and how happy he is. It makes me want to throw up." I laugh when he says the last part.

"Are all the guys here?" I ask looking down at the floor."

"And their wives girlfriends and kids, and your family and his family and all the friends you invited. No one wanted to miss today trust me." He says smiling.

"That's good, well you better get out there." I say smiling at him.

He smiles at me then walks out. I stay in the room for another five minutes before making my way out.

When i head to the two big doors Alley, Steph, Valerie and my dad are there.

My dad already has tears in his eyes and i'm not even all the way to him yet. He's wearing a nice grey suit with a white shirt underneath and a grey tie. The last time he wore that was when my older sister got married.

He calls it "The wedding suit" for some silly reason. He thinks it brings luck to every couple when he wears it to the wedding. Which isn't wrong, every wedding he's worn it to somehow the couples are still together. But that could just be because they are good for each other.

When i reach him he immediately hugs me.

"You look absolutely stunning." He says with tears falling down his face.

"Don't cry dad." I say smiling at him.

He wipes his tears and breaks out into a laugh.

"I'm just so proud of you." He says before hugging me again.

"Thank you." I say before he lets go.

"Hey we're gonna go out." Alley says smiling at me.

"See you guys out there." I say smiling back.

Her, Steph and Valerie make their way through the big doors. When it shuts it makes a huge slam sound.

"Dad's right, you look stunning." Kora says before hugging me.

"Thank you for being here." I say looking at her.

"I would've never missed it." She says before kissing my cheek.

She hands me by bouquet of flowers then turn's around. She opens the doors then disappears.

My dad takes my hand and holds it. I take a deep breath as i stare at the doors.

"Ready?" Dad asks me.

"Of course." I say smiling over at him.

The doors open and a bright white light shins in the room. I hear everyone stand up and that's when i know i need to go.

We slowly start making out way down the isle. When i look around everyone is staring at me, either smiling, crying, trying not to cry or crying and smiling at the same time.

When i pass Chris he gives me a thumbs up. I smile at him then look forward. I look at my future husband. Matt has tears falling down his face yet he keeps calm and stays smiling.

When i reach him my dad lets go of my arm. He gives me a hug then when he lets me go he gives me a kiss on the cheek. He goes over to mom and sits down along with everyone else.

I hand my bouquet to Kora and turn to face Matt. He takes me hands and holds them tight.

When our marriage officiant starts talking i can feel tears in my eyes. I'm just realizing how surreal this is. How my life is gonna be after this.

When Matt grabs a piece of paper i realize he's about to say his vows.

"I Matthew Rempe take You, Y/n Y/l/n to be my wife. When you need a friend i will be your best friend. When you need help, i will be there to help you. When you want to try something new, i will encourage you. And when you do the same for me, i will appreciate you. But if you don't i will forgive you, everyday for the rest of my life." When he says that i can hear awwes in the audience.

I take a deep breath then start saying my vows.

"With you, i know i will never have to do anything on my own. This past week has been a true testament to the man you are and the husband you will be. You are the kind of husband who is a "drop everything because i need you.". You are also the "it's never too late to do the right thing" husband. You also are a "what can i do to help." Kind of husband." My voice cracks from tears. "I admire you and look up to you for all the good you bring for the both of us. I cannot wait to say i do." I say smiling at him.

When i look around i notice my mom is bawling. But not a sad bawl a happy bawl.

When i turn back to Matt he's wiping tears off his face.

"Matthew Rempe do you take Y/n Y/l/n to be your wife."

"I do." Matt says immediately.

"And do you Y/n Y/l/n take Matthew Rempe to be your husband."

"I do." I also say immediately.

"You may now kiss the bride."

Matt grabs me and dips me. He gives me the softest kiss that feels like it will last forever.

When he brings me up i take the bouquet from Kora. We turn to everyone and lift are arms up as to say "We did it!" Everyone cheers and claps.

Matt takes my hand and we run down the isle laughing the whole time.

It's official, i'm married. I'm now Y/n Rempe and i hope it stays like that for forever.

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