Oh man...(008)

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When i see him hit the ice i feel scared. I feel as though he dropped dead. I know he didn't but for some reason that fear falls into the back of my mind. When i see everyone surround him i feel less scared. I feel less scared knowing his friends are there.

When he gets up he's not standing on his own. He has Kreider and Mika helping him. I get on my feet as i watch them take him to the back room where they get dressed.

I feel my legs moving as i look around. I'm trying to get to him. Trying to get to Matt. When i reach the door i feel uneasy. I knock thinking it'll be loud enough for someone to hear. And it was. Kreider is standing in front of me.

He doesn't smile yet he doesn't frown. He just nods his head and starts to walk off. I follow him deeper into the room. When i see his face my stomach drops.

I speed walk over to him and grab his hand. I feel his hand tighten around mine. He looks around nervously.

"Hey hey, you're okay." I say squeezing his hand.

When i see the doctor come in and the paramedics i know it's not okay. He looks at me but doesn't say anything. They bring a light to his eye making him follow it. He flinches at how bright it is.

He follows the light though. I can see him trying not to gag. Or throw up.

"Get him a bucket." I say still looking at Matt.

"What?" I hear someone say in the back.

"Get him a bucket or something! He's gonna throw up!" I yell still not taking my eyes off him.

I hear rummaging around me. Then i see someone in front of him with a bucket. Matt takes it and leans forward. I rub his back as he throws up.

"It might be a concussion." The doctor says.

"It seems that way." I hear a paramedic agree with him.

"How long will he be out?" I ask looking over at them.

"Every player is different, i'd say about 5-7 days but that's not before all the doctor visits and stuff, maybe a week or two?" He says as if he's not sure himself.

"Oh man..." I hear Matt say.

I rub his back more trying to comfort him.

"Hey it could be worse." I say trying to make it seem better than it it.

"That it could be, you're lucky he didn't hit you all the way." He says laughing.

"He didn't hit him, he ran into him full speed." I say slightly irritated.

Hitting and running into someone is totally different. If you hit someone, i take that in punching or using your hands. Running into someone is slamming them into a wall so hard they black out.

I feel everyone staring at me. I know i shouldn't have snapped at him, but if you say something make sure you say the full truth. When i turn my head to everyone they look tired, empty.

I take a deep breath in. Matt turns his head and gives me a fake smile.

"You'll be alright." I say fake smiling at him too.

"But no hockey." He says looking down at the floor.

"I know baby, but hey it's only a week or so." I say looking around.

When i turn to him i can tell he's out of it. He needs to go home. His eyes are getting drowsy and he looks as if he's gonna fall asleep any second.

"Should he sleep this off?" I ask looking at his doctor.

"I don't think it will hurt him if he does." The doctor says looking at Matt.

I take Matt's hand and help him up. He stands up but wobbles a little. He still needs changed. He's still in his pads and skates and jersey. They start walking out of the room but i need to ask something.

"Will he be suspended?" I ask somewhat quietly.

"Who?" Kreider turns around and looks at me.

"The guy who did this." I say looking over at Matt.

"He should, and if he doesn't don't worry, i'll make sure he gets suspended." He says before walking off.

When everyones out of the room i help Matt take his jersey and pads off. I grab one of his t-shirts and put it on him. He sits down and i help him take his skates off. I can't help with his pants so he does it himself.

When he returns to me he's in sweat pants and the shirt i put him in. I find his socks and his shoes. I help him with those then find his hockey bag. I pack everything then help him walk out.

When i find the car i put him in the passenger seat. I throw the bag in the back and make my way towards the drivers seat.

I slide in then start the car. As he start driving Matt makes an uncomfortable noise. He does it once then stops so i don't think anything of it. Then he does it again and again.

"Do you want me to take you to the hospital?" I ask looking over at him.

"I think." Is all he can get out.

I start driving faster. I get worried that he's gonna faint. When we pull up to the hospital i immediately find a parking spot. I stop the car and basically jump out.

I make my way over to his side. I open the door and help him out. He basically topples on me but i don't let it bother me. We walk inside and for some reason someones already on my side.

"What's wrong with him?" A nurse in bright blue scrubs ask me.

"A really really bad concussion i think." I say looking up at Matt.

When she brings a wheelchair over i get even more worried. This might be worse than it should've been.

I see Matt starting to gag again. Oh God, he's gonna throw up.

"He needs something to throw up in!" I say looking around.

Another nurse rushes past me with a bucket looking thing and hands it to Matt. He leans forward like before and throws up.

"Oh man..." I say like Matt did earlier.

I can only hope this isn't as bad as it seems.

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