Big day pt.2(013)

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It's reception time. Time for food, dancing, talking, screaming, just having fun. When Matt and i walk into the big room everyone turns to us and cheers. Of course his team is the loudest in the room.

When i look over at Matt he's just smiling at them. We already did our slow dances but i needed to get out of that dress. It was suffocating me. I'm now in a flowey white dress so i'm more comfortable. And my white converses.

We make our way to our table and sit down. When someone comes by they give us a plate of cake. I take a couple of bites before Kora is waving me over.

I stand up basically run to her.

"What?" I say tilting my head.

"Slow dance?" She says smiling.

"But we already did our slow dance." I say looking back at Matt.

"You and dad never did." She says smiling.

"Fine." I say rolling my eyes.

When i walk over to dad he looks confused.

"Come on, slow dance time." I say smiling.

He takes my hand and we head to the dance floor. I put my arms around his neck and he lays his hands on my hips.

The music starts and the room goes quiet. When i look around i realize everyone is staring at us. But i don't care. When i look back up at my dad he's smiling ear to ear. He just looks so happy.

We sit there and dance for a while. When i look up i realize our photographer is taking pictures of us. I smile at the camera then kiss him on the cheek.

"I'm so proud of you." He says still smiling.

"For?" I say somewhat confused.

"Finding a good man." He says looking over at Matt.

He's talking to Alley. She's looking up at him like he's the best thing ever. And he's making a joke and she's laughing at it.

When he looks over at us he smiles. I smile at him and give him a little wave.

The dance slowly comes to an end but another song plays. Sugar. Soon everyone is flooding the dance floor. Everyone is dancing and yelling the lyrics.

Matt comes up to me and lets loose. He's dancing and singing the lyrics with me. When i look behind me Kreider is tearing up the dance floor. He took this as an assignment.

Everyone's hyping him up especially Mika. I burst out laughing.

When the song comes to an end everyone calms down. Everyone goes back to their table and talks.

I decided i wanted to say hi to the whole team. I gotta track everyone down. I see Goodrow first.

I make my way to him.

"Hey Barclay." I say smiling at him.

"Well hello mrs. Rempe." He says before pulling me into a hug.

When we pull apart i can see his face slowly stop lighting up.

"You okay?" I ask.

"Yeah of course, go say hi to everyone else." He says smiling again.

I smile at him before walking away. I don't see anyone so i decide to go back to Matt.

He's talking to Janice. When i sit down he looks down at me. I just smile and grab the champagne glass in front of me. I take a really long sip then set it down. I let out a breath then realize Matt and Janice are both staring at me.

I just smile at them before standing up again. I need to find Kora.

When i start my adventure i realize i don't see her in the room. I go out in the hallway and find the closest restroom. She's standing in front of the mirror fixing her makeup.

I roll my eyes and walk all the way in. When she hears the door shut she jumps then laughs.

"That scared me." She says still laughing.

"Oh sorry." I say smiling at her.

"Why aren't you with Matt?" She ask turning around to face me.

"He's talking to Janice." I say before licking my lips.

"His mom?" She says in surprise.

"Yeah?" I question back to her.

"Just go up to him and drag him away, that's what i did to Finney on our wedding day. Nobody cared." She says turning back to the mirror.

"Yeah but you and Finney had been together for like ever, me and Matt have only been together for about 3 years." I say looking around.

"Just do it, trust me." She says with her warm smile.

"Okay." I say before walking out of the restroom.

I make my way back to the huge room. Music's back on and everyone is on the dance floor. Kreider again is tearing up the dance floor but this time he's joined by Braden.

I stare at then confused because they're just dancing in such a weird way. I laugh it off and try to find my way to Matt. He's lost in the swarm of people.

When i see Alley's head i know he's most likely with her. I try to make my way to him but along the way Valerie finds me.

She takes my hands and we dance. We dance like we did at prom. Like no one's watching us.

We're laughing and smiling and screaming and what not. Just genuinely having a good time. When the song comes to an end i again try to make my way to Matt.

This time i actually do make my way to Matt. He's dancing with Alley and Janice. He's definitely a family man. When he sees me his face lights up.

He pulls me into a hug then gives me a soft kiss.

When another song comes on everyone starts singing and dances. I do too but i also soak in this moment. I soak in this moment because i'm with great friends, the absolute best family, and a husband that i will love forever.

"I love you!" I yell over the music.

"I love you too!" He yells back.

When he sees my smile he comes in for a kiss. I can feel his smile against the kiss. When we part he's smiling. Smiling so wide it looks like it hurts his face.

I smile at him then kiss him again. I don't kiss him because i want to or because it's what couples do. I kiss him because i love him, because he makes me happy, because he's all i've ever wanted in this life.

I look around this room full of friends, family, and my in-laws. I look around this room and realize we aren't just friends we are all family. Everyone in this room is family. And i'm so thankful for that.

"Mrs. Rempe?" I snap my head back at him.

"Yes mr. Rempe?" I say smiling so wide.

"Will you dance with me?" He asks so proud of himself.

"Of course i will." I say taking his hand.

He spins me around then starts to hold me close.

"I really do love you." I say tiptoeing trying to reach his ear.

"I know, and i really do love you." He says in my ear.

He kisses me again making me laugh. Today was amazing, today i got married. Today i became a Rempe.

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