One player can change everything(015)

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One game can change everything. One team can change everything. One practice can change everything. And one player can change everything. And that's exactly what happened to me.

One player changed everything for me. And his name is Matthew Rempe.

It was somewhere around November, i went to a ice rink to practice skating obviously. Only two people where there, a hockey player and a kid around 14.

When i got on the ice the 14 year old looked at me, in a weird way. Their eyes became wide and a look of horror washed over their face. I can't really tell you why they looked at me like that. But i can tell you they immediately left the rink.

I slowly skated as the hockey player was going around the ice with a stick and a puck. When i got momentum i skated faster. Faster and faster.

I can't tell you who exactly ran into who but we collided. All i really remember was a loud thud then i was lying on the ice. I could hear grunting from behind me. Assuming it was the hockey player.

"God don't you watch where you're going." He snaps at me.

"Oh big baby suck it up." I snap back.

I got ahold of myself and stood up. When i looked up we made eye contact. He has brown eyes that light up, lips that make themselves look like a small smile, rosie red cheeks and a rosie red nose that are cute.

We made eye contact for a while before he brushed past me. When i turned to look at him he's trying to do something i couldn't quite understand.

I slowly started skating again, trying to get momentum back. But as soon as i get my momentum back i stop skating. I can feel his eyes on me.

When i turn and face him he's staring directly at me.

"Can i help you?" I say looking around me.

"You play hockey?" He says holding up his stick.

"I did with my brothers when i was younger." I say more confused.

"Okay lets play." He skates to the edge of the rink and grabs a bag.

He grabs a hockey stick and slides it to me. When i picked it up it gave me nostalgia. All those nights my brothers and i would stay out till dark playing hockey. When we'd miss dinner because it was a tied game.

I haven't played hockey since my brothers moved away to play college hockey. Hopefully they'll go pro.

When i was brought back to reality i notice nets in each corner. I raise my eyebrows at him. He just gives me a smirk and goes to center ice.

I slowly make my way towards him. He has gloves on, i don't, he's probably really good, i'm not. This'll be interesting.

"I don't even know your name." I say putting my stick on the ground.

"Matt." He says smiling. "Matt Rempe." I'm taken aback.

New york Rangers player Matt Rempe was standing in front of me. I was standing in front of Matt Rempe.

"And yours?" He says before licking his lips.

"Y/n." He's not getting my last name.

"Well Y/n, let's play." He drops the puck and immediately goes after it.

I go after him. He's a lot faster than he looks i'll tell you that.

The rest of the afternoon we spent playing hockey. I was definitely rusty and couldn't keep up with him. I got 10 goals, he got 26.

When we met center ice to congratulate one another he got this funny look in his eye. My eyebrows furrowed and then they were raised.

He kissed me. I've only known him for three hours and he'd kissed me. But i didn't mind it for some reason. I just let it happen.

And one thing led to another. I woke up in his bed by myself. Slowly getting up i regretted this decision. I'm not a one night stand kind of girl, yet this is probably what it is.

I find my clothes and get dressed. When i walk out of the room Matt is walking in.

"Where you going?" He said in a way that made me want to stay.

"Home, this was a bad idea, one night stands are not my thing." I said trying to walk out.

"Who said it was a one night stand?" He said smirking.

"Matt hate to burst that huge bubble above your head but we only met yesterday." I say looking at him with a dumbfounded look.

"And?" He said in a way that made my legs weak.

I don't know what to say. I walk back to his bed a sit down.

"What do you mean and?" I say looking up at him.

"Just date me, we can get to know each other along the way." He said so serious it scared me.

"We just met." I said serious too.

"I don't care." He said looking directly in my eyes.

"Fine." I said before standing up.

In that moment i didn't realize how important Matt would be to me. I thought a fling wouldn't last long, maybe a week or two. But it's lasted for two years.

He's become so much more than a hockey player to me. He's become my boyfriend, my best friend, the person in tell my secrets too. He's became my player.

After i said yes he tackled me on the bed. He tackled me in kisses leaving me to laugh. Later that night we went back to the rink to play hockey again. Everyday we go out to the rink.

He teaches me hockey and i teach him figure skating. We compromise on what to do, but for some reason he always seems to win.

But i don't mind it, because i can spend time with Matt.

Looking back if i wouldn't have collided with him or if he hadn't collided with me, i would've never been in this relationship.

When everyone asks when we met they always get an awe look, but when we tell them we started dating a day after the awe looks go away. Everyone is confused on why we rushed things.

But the rushed things normally come out to be the best things. Well for me at least.

"Hey ready to go?" Matt says coming into the bedroom.

"Yeah of course." I say looking up from my diary.

I shut my diary and stand up. I grab my skates and head to the living room. When i sit on the couch and put my shoes on all that replays in my head is the day we met.

One player can really change everything. And luckily for me Matt is the best hockey player. He is the one player. And that one player did change everything, in the absolute best way.

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